Bornay: wind energy solutions for self-consumption, committed to the 2030 Agenda

Taking that into account Spain is considered the absolute leader of the EU in renewable energy It is noteworthy that Bornay is strengthening its strategy to achieve the energy goals of the 2030 Agenda, and is expanding its facilities to meet the increase in demand.

Spain has been recognized as the undisputed leader in renewable energy production in Europe, according to the latest data from the Global Energy Monitor (GEM). This recognition is due to the abundance of wind energy and solar energy in its energy mix, the result of both its natural geographical advantages and years of deliberate policy promoting renewable energy over fossil fuels. With its determined commitment to renewable energy, Spain is consolidating its position at the forefront of sustainable development on the continent.

Spain stands out as the European country with the largest solar capacity commercial scale in operation (29.5 GW), surpassing all other countries in Europe. In addition, the company leads in terms of capacity under construction (7.8 GW) and in early stages of development (106.1 GW), the GEM report said. To meet the ambitious goal of installing 62 GW wind energy and 81 GW of solar power by 2030, Spain will need to accelerate the pace of renewable energy deployment and overcome obstacles such as permitting bottlenecks and infrastructure constraints.

Despite challenges such as social opposition and lengthy permitting processes, Spain is well positioned to maintain and improve its leadership in renewable energy. The right mix of policy strategies, infrastructure investments and the promotion of large-scale solar and wind energy projects will be crucial achieving the 2030 targets ratified at COP28.

Spain leader in renewable energy

Bornay, a leading company in the wind energyhas been a major factor in this progress. Since its creation, it has contributed significantly to the development and expansion of wind energy in Spain, installing wind turbines that have contributed to the consolidation of the country as a benchmark in renewable energy. Managing Director, Juan de Dios Bornay, states: “Our commitment to innovation and sustainability has been clear from the start. This is also crucial to achieving the 2030 targets stimulate the development of small-scale renewable energy. It must be more present in homes and in small and medium-sized Spanish businesses.”


Bornay, with his experience in solutions wind energy for own useis well positioned to lead this segment and contribute to a greener and distributed energy future at regional, national and international levels. Currently, the wind turbines sold produce between 600 W and 5,500 Kw of power per unit. The new international projects cover an interesting percentage of global turnover.

In addition, it is building a new warehouse in Castalla (Alicante) to expand the facilities that are becoming too small with an investment of approximately two million euros, which will become an additional investment. bioclimatic installation with 100% consumption via renewable energy sources.

“With the support of leading companies like Bornay and a favorable regulatory framework, the country has a realistic chance of achieving its ambitious goalsconcludes Juan de Dios.

Renewable energies are the driving force behind the new economy that should focus on decarbonizing the economy to achieve the objectives set by the EU in the 2030 Agenda.