Vitamins + Minerals, to cope with the ‘winter’

Vitaminas Minerales invierno

There are many reasons to enjoy winter, such as playing in the snow, drinking endless cups of tea and enjoying the holidays with family and friends. But despite all the winter fun, there are also some disadvantages. Shorter days mean less exposure to sunlight, cold temperatures mean less time outdoors, less choice of fresh produce … Read more

10 banned ingredients in natural and BIO cosmetics

Cosmética natural y BIO

¿There is toxins in cosmetics? The risks hidden in some ingredients commonly used in cosmetics are on everyone’s lips: parabens, triclosan, allergens of various kinds. There may be dangerous ingredients in natural or BIO cosmeticsalthough you shouldn’t fall into chemophobia or pay attention to urban legends. We help you put things in place, know what … Read more

Know EVERYTHING that is harming your skin

TODO lo que perjudica tu piel

The skin (from Latin pellis) or cutis (from Latin cutis), also called the integumentary system, is the outer layer of vertebrates and one of the most important organs. In humans, it is the largest organ in the body and the layer that protects it. The people are exposed to a range of external factors, which … Read more

The 8 Commandments to Quit Smoking and Vaping

Dejar fumar vapear

The main reason why someone can become dependent on vaping is nicotine, the same ingredient behind cigarette addiction. For this addictive ability Its use is not recommended for people who do not smoke. Nicotine creates new receptors in the brain when it enters the body and those who use it can quickly experience the feeling … Read more

New Year: The best antidote to cancer is a healthy lifestyle, it is free and has no side effects

Estilo de vida saludable

About 30% of cancer cases are attributed to diet and lack of exercise. It is in your hands to reduce the risk with some simple habits, without sacrifice, without pain and with minimal effort.. The continued rise of non-communicable diseases around the world such as cancerhas direct relationship with eating patterns, characterized by high levels … Read more