World Marine Pasture Day 2025

Día Mundial Pastos Marinos 2025

In May of 2022the The General Asamble of the UN approved resolution a/res/76/265 that the March 1 when World Marine Pasture Day. The resolution emphasizes The urgent need to increase consciousness and to facilitate measures to save seaglasses To contribute to your health and development, since improving the Services and ecosystem functions It is crucial … Read more

An agreement ‘On the Bel’ has stored COP16

COP16 financiación insuficiente acciones favor biodiversidad 2030

On the last day of the UN -Top expansion COP16 In Rome, some 150 countries corresponded to mutual concessions to reform the financing of nature conservation. But the question of whether a new background to raise 1.2 billion dollars a year until 2030 should be created has not yet been resolved. A long applause from … Read more

The origin of the articulations of the vertebrate animals, including humans, comes from the ancestors of the fish with jaws

articulaciones vertebrados ser humano ancestros peces mandíbulas

Weld Synovial joints, characterized by mutual congruent and lubricated joint surfaces Separated by a cavity, they can at the same time offer mobility and tax support and they are a characteristic of vertebrated animals. An overview of the fossils of the extinct clades of the Gnatostomo suggests that the connections With surfaces that are mutually … Read more

The ‘Mugvis’ is an ‘invasive species’, but also of the most ‘ready’ in finding women and having young

pez mosquito especie invasora listos hembras crías

He Eastern mosquito fish, Gokbles Holbrooki It is originally from the Southern United States And it has been extended to many countries around the world after it was originally used as a biological tool for the control of malaria carriers. This Species have had a huge impact on the environment on local animalsone of the … Read more

Project of the ‘USC’ for the detection and control of the ‘invasive Asian algae’ on the Galician coast

Proyecto USC alga asiática invasora costa gallega

For several years, The Galician marine ecosystem is disturbed by the Japanese rugged algae Okamurae Immediately imported and that is quickly able to invade beaches and ports. The high level of proliferation threatens biodiversity and marine activities where it is rooted. For worse, When they rot on the beaches when they are dropped off by … Read more