Good news, a study of the ‘Pyrenean Institute of Ecology’ confirms it: there are ‘fewer’ hunters in Spain every time

estudio Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología menos cazadores España

For several years, We live in our modern societies a remarkable evolution of sensitivities about the issue of animal murder and a decrease in hunterscoupled with the interrogation of the relationship with other living beings with whom we share the planet. It is impossible to Revelations about animal sacrifices circumstances In the food industry by … Read more

The fashion sector is preparing for an ethical turning point with the competition Initiative aimed at young designers younger than 35 hours to increase the importance of the importance of responsible use of forest sources in textile production A new fashion paradigm: aesthetics and environmental responsibility The fashion industry, often associated with production excesses and … Read more

International Polar Bear Day 2025

Dia internacional oso polar 2025

Donate February 27 The International Polar Bear Day 2025. A special date for Increasing awareness about the impact of climate change in polar bear populations. The Bears population nowadays is 20-25,000 people who are divided into 19 populations on the icy surface of the Arctic area. 60-80% is in Canada. It is the highest link … Read more

COP16: The ‘Nature’ cannot wait

COP16 naturaleza

The negotiations in the first part of the COP16 in Colombia were interrupted after a marathon closure and were suspended by the president of the topSusana Muhamad, Given the lack of agreement to make decisions. With the confirmed participation of various ministers, the meeting in Rome has acquired a high political profile, which can be … Read more

An investigation into the role of BDH protein in plant growth

estudio proteína BDH crecimiento plantas

In this study, Characterized the function of a SWI/SNF sub -unit in plantsCalled BDH, that shares sequence homology with the SWI/SNF BCL7 sub -unit in animals. The plants that miss BDH show multiple development defects, including longer hypoconotiles. The complex SWI/SNF is a chromatin -built chromatin and formed by several sub -units involved in the … Read more