China just destroyed all the solar panels in the world: this invention puts an end to photovoltaics

China just destroyed all conventional solar panels with an invention that destroys photovoltaics. Many believed that the glass that produces a thousand times more energy would mean the end of solar panels, but the product that is prepared China It could change things a lot. Although different ways to create energy have appeared over time, people have always used photovoltaics. In fact, it is the energy that most people think of when they think of renewable energy sources.

Solar photovoltaics convert sunlight directly into electricity using technology based on the photovoltaic effect. It does not pollute and is generated with solar panels. When the sun’s radiation hits one of the sides of a photoelectric cell (which makes up the panels), it creates a difference in electrical potential between the two sides, causing the electrons to move from one place to another and an electric current to flow. produce.

When photovoltaic technology took its first steps, it was used to power satellites. According to the APPAIt wasn’t until the 1950s that photovoltaic panels accelerated their development until they became the product we know today: an alternative option to polluting fossil fuels.

China does the unthinkable: bans conventional solar panels

China is destroying Japan with its construction of perovskite solar panels. Strive to create the most advanced pieces in the world. Long has achieved a record efficiency of 34.6% with a perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell. China It enjoys a privileged place in the solar panel market thanks to its powerful silicon industry. Don’t let it happen though Japan even just a little bit forward.

The Japanese country is preparing perovskite cells, but China has progressed. A team of researchers funded by Longthe leading Chinese solar panel company, achieved a Record efficiency of 34.6% with a perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell. In other words, a photovoltaic cell that integrates layers of both materials to absorb the greatest possible amount of energy across the entire spectrum of sunlight.

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The cell that recorded the record is a prototype. However, Long It has also presented commercial size tandem cells (M6) and the first solar panels with this technology with an area of ​​one square meter, which achieved efficiencies of 30.1% and 25.8% respectively. The research was published in the journal Nature and the figures obtained the certification of the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

The efficiency of solar panels shows how much of the energy that reaches the photovoltaic cell can actually be used as electricity. Through a process called heterojunction, Long has combined the advantages of silicon and perovskite, the ‘wonder material’ of the solar sector, to break the theoretical limit of 33.7% that silicon solar cells have registered so far.

Conventional solar panels surrender to China’s latest technology

Long exceeded that figure, which is commonly known as the limit of Shockley-Queisserlate last year. He then presented the world with a tandem cell with an efficiency of 33.9%. Now the new record is 34.6%, a few tenths important for photovoltaic research laboratories.

This progress continues China has had public and private support, with collaborators such as the Suzhou University, Huaneng Clean Energy Research Institute and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Las Chinese tandem solar cells They promise to revolutionize the photovoltaic industry, to the point that they could spell the end of solar panels as we know them. A revolution that was not achieved even by the sphere filled with water and multiplying the sun’s rays by 10,000.