China vanquish Room And for the rest of the world with its own source of infinite energy. A promise similar to that offered with the United States, where he claimed to have found the holy grail of energy in a rock. Having clean energy, without emissions and inexhaustible is more like a utopia than something real.
However, there is a kind of energy that is approaching considerably, although we get it far from in commercial terms: merger energy.
It is one of the great hope for people in the coming decades. There is a global technological career to achieve this and China A precedent has just been.
China creates its own infinite energy: liquid for Spain and the rest of the world
China He did it with the implementation of an artificial ‘sun’ in record time. He Tokamak Experimental Advanced Superconductor (East) It is a reactor that is usually called ‘artificial sun’. His last major triumph is the maintenance of a plasma of high confinement in a stable state for 1,066 seconds.
With this figure, the previous record, dates from 2023, from 403 seconds. The “high locking plasma effect in a stable state” means that a gas is maintained on an ultra -and -load temperature (plasma) effectively sufficient time for merger reactions to generate constant energy and considerable amount.
This precedent is an essential step in the direction of the elaboration of merger reactors that are able to produce constant and safe energy. EAST It is not a conventional reactor. It is the first to be 100% super guide and is made with innovative technological elements that place it at the top of the avant -garde.
The structure has a non -circular cross -section, super conductor magnets and water cooled elements are crucial for their activities. Although the size is more discreet than that of other reactors, EAST It offers an important experimental flexibility that it transforms into an optimal laboratory for testing stable plasma configurations.
Since the first steps taken in 2006, it has been used as a test platform for experts on the entire planet, which strengthens the cooperation of the world in merger energy research.
What is merger energy? China is very close to obtaining it
The Fusion Energy It is the energy source that supplies the stars, including the Majestic Sol. It is the procedure in which two light cores, such as hydrogen, are combined to work out a heavier core, such as helium. A process in which a considerable amount of energy is released. This takes place because part of the dough of the cores automatically becomes energy.
Unlike fossil fuels, it does not generate greenhouse gas emissions and the only thing by -product is helium.
China destroys merger energy, but everything has not been done yet
The recent triumphs of EAST They are promising, but achieving a practical application of this type remains a huge challenge. Maintaining temperatures that exceed more than 15 million degrees, making the stability of plasma and efficient control still viable.
In the stars, the adult temperatures and pressure of their cores ensure that hydrogen atoms can come and merged their natural rejection, so that the energy hot and the universe offers light. These temperature and pressure conditions are the big obstacles to re-make the merger that artificial. However, if this could control, we would be confronted with a clean and practically inexhaustible source.
Another aspect to consider is the energy balance: that the registered energy is superior to that of the reactor. The fact that EAST He has been able to maintain a stable plasma for more than 1,000 seconds, represents an important progress in the direction of commercial merger reactors, the previous step to determine the desired merger energy.
So, so, China goes for Room And from the rest of the world in terms of infinite energy, according to the same line of the first ‘wonders energy’.