Chocolate, in moderation, has a place in a healthy diet

Chocolate, in moderation has a place in A healthy diet: the consumption of chocolate in Spain yes 5.5 kilograms per person per year. To enjoy this sweet, the tablet chocolatesoluble cocoa or hot chocolate They are some of the favorite products of the Spanish.

According to the Spanish food lawHe chocolate It is a mixture of cocoa powder or cocoa paste and sugar, which is necessary minimum 35% cocoa solids. The minimum content of dry defatted cocoa is 14% and cocoa butter at least 18%. As a general rule, the addition of animal fats (other than those derived from milk) is prohibited, and added vegetable fats should not exceed 5% of the total product.

As for the conditions cocoa and chocolatesometimes they get confused. Cacao is the fruit of the tree of the same name and is used to prepare various types of food. He chocolateon the other hand, it is a product made from cocoa seeds. Experts consider the pure cocoa is the healthiest because of its low sugar contentalthough it is not always well accepted because of its bitterness and astringency. It can also be healthy to consume it in moderate amounts in products with a little sugar and cocoa butter.

Research shows that the Dark chocolate with more than 75% cocoa and no trans fat seems to be a food that can be consumed in moderation, maximum two or three times a week. Moreover, he adds that the intake of this kind chocolatealong with a healthy diet, can help control cholesterol.

What should we look for on the label of chocolate bars?

In supermarkets we find an infinite variety of tablets. chocolate. But what is the healthiest choice? We shouldn’t just focus on the percentage of chocolate that can be seen at first glance, but also we need to stop and read the label to check what ingredients it contains.

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The European Union (EU) regulation indicates this The ingredients must be listed on the label in order of quantity. This way we can know whether the first ingredient is sugar, cocoa, cocoa mass, etc. and we can detect which tablet is most suitable. This can be extrapolated to many foods. In the incorporatedthe hydrogenated fat (trans fatty acid) It is often listed as one of the first ingredients on the label.

Among the ingredients you need to observe what amount of pure cocoa take the tablet with you, if you have one butter or if it contains milkamong others. The nutritionist warns that most products derived from cocoa do not contain more than 50% pure cocoa, which reduces their antioxidant effect due to the lower richness in flavonoids.

Is chocolate with sweeteners healthy?

It’s important avoid partially hydrogenated fats and excessive sugar consumption. Recently it has also become common to find tablets from chocolate with sweetenersas a healthy option to reduce sugar consumption. However, current evidence on this topic is still unclear, so it seems imperative to reduce sweetener consumption and moderate sugar intake.

As for the organic/ecological cocoaoffers better organoleptic characteristics and better taste than other species chocolatebut it does not always meet a good environmental standard. There is cocoa that has been obtained unsustainably or is produced and exported to a geographical area far from its origin. The wisest thing is to have one fair trade and organic chocolate or from narrower geographical areas«, he indicates.

Effects of chocolate on cardiovascular health and mood

The regular consumption of pure cocoa can have a positive impact on cardiovascular health, mainly due to its content flavonoids and procyanidins. Among the positive effects, the expert highlights the following advantages:

  • Inhibition of the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.
  • Vasoregulation and improvement of endothelial dysfunction.
  • Antiplatelet and antihypertensive effects.
  • Anti-inflammatory and immune response modulating properties.

Furthermore, the high concentration of cocoa (over 75%) in the products enhances polyphenol richness and maximizes health benefits.

However, the consumption of cocoa products with additives, sugars and unhealthy fats can negate these health benefits. To obtain optimal benefits, it is crucial to consume cocoa products in moderation and within a healthy diet, and to prioritize products with high cocoa content.

Furthermore, the establishment of chocolate milk or from Dark chocolate in a milk drink weakens the absorption and antioxidant effects of flavonoids (particularly epicatechin). It has been suggested that milk proteins may exert an inhibitory interaction on the absorption of these flavonoids.

Consume pure cocoa can help regulate mood. The intake of chocolate It mainly activates two parts of the brain: the core accumbens and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These two areas, and to a greater extent the nucleus accumbens, are responsible for generating a feeling of pleasure, of a satisfying reward.

The flavanolsderived from flavonoids, present in cocoa, increase the natural supply of nitric oxide in the body and promote a healthy blood flow. This allows the brain, muscles and other tissues receive oxygen and nutrients that they need to perform optimally.

In that sense the antioxidants and flavanols in cocoa promote the functioning of neurons. “They help with better glucose and oxygen absorption and encourage the metabolism to work better,” the teacher emphasizes.

These compounds are found in the chocolateIt’s pure, so just because you consume highly processed chocolate doesn’t mean you’ll get these positive effects. The Cocoa flavonoids also improve cognitive performance and sports practice..

Chocolate is forbidden before bedtime, it makes it difficult to fall asleep

Like coffee or tea, cocoa contains alkaloids known as methylxanthines which are stimulants for the nervous system. In cocoa it is predominant theobrominebut we can also find caffeine. Methylxanthines inhibit adenosine, a critically important signal for inducing sleep. Therefore, consuming chocolate, tea or coffee will have a negative effect on both falling asleep and maintaining it.

Methylxanthines are metabolized in the liver. Depending on the person’s metabolism, they can reach the brain to a greater or lesser extent. This explains why the stimulating effect is greater for some people than for others. In any case, Chocolate doesn’t help you sleep.

Carob, a healthy and sweet alternative to chocolate

The carob is he carob fruitan evergreen tree that grows in the Mediterranean region. Spain is one of the main producers of this fruit in the world. This dark brown edible pod or legume has a fleshy flesh with a sweet taste. In the past it was used as livestock feed, but in recent years it has been identified as a superfood for people and has been revalued.

Carob is a nutritious alternative to chocolatebecause it contains bioactive substances such as phytosterols, proteins, vitamins and minerals that improve health. It is a seed derived from legumes that promotes digestion, prevents constipation and intestinal health. Carob can be used in a variety of recipes, such as energy bars and brownies, making it highly recommended versatile ingredient for healthy cooking«, he concludes.