Consumption of red meat: some myths disproved – Il Giornale dell’Ambiente

The Red meat it is a food that sparks heated debates among nutrition experts and the general population. The January 19thin the Sala Serpieri of Palazzo della Valle in Rome, lNational Academy of Agricultureorganized the conference “Red meat: economy, health and society. A reflection“, precisely to delve deeper into the red meat production chain in Italy, from breeding to nutritional qualities and environmental impact. The Academy’s mission is to be at the forefront of dissemination of correct communication in the scientific field in the agri-food, environmental and health sectors, countering the fake news spread in this regard.

During the conference, several industry experts, including university professors and representatives of academic institutions, contributed to debunking some myths regarding the consumption of red meat. In particular, the Academy highlighted that, on a scientific level, there is no direct association between the consumption of red meat and specific pathologies. The increased risk of disease is linked to the quantity and frequency of consumption, as well as independent variables linked to the individual consumer.

Italian cattle breeding is virtuous

From an environmental point of view, Italian cattle breeding is considered virtuous, also contributing to the increase in renewable energy sources. Emissions related to livestock farming in Italy are 5.9%, of which only 3.5% is represented by meat, while at a global level the figure is 14.5%. Furthermore, Italy uses 25% less water for meat production than the world average, having a positive impact on the environment.

Red meat it has also been defended for its nutritional properties. Prof. Silvana Hrelia of the University of Bologna underlined that red meat, consumed in moderation, provides proteins of high biological value, highly bioavailable iron, vitamin B12 and branched chain amino acids essential for muscle growth. It also contains bioactive molecules and peptides with anti-hypertensive and anti-inflammatory action.

The importance of meat consumption in different stages of human life

Experts also highlighted the importance of meat consumption at different stages of human life. During childhood, meat provides proteins essential for growth and development. While during adolescence helps meet increased protein and nutrient needs. In the elderlycontributes to the maintenance of muscle mass, essential for independence and general health.

Despite some epidemiological studies associating high consumption of red meat with an increased risk of certain diseases. The Academy emphasized that such associations do not necessarily imply a causal relationship. Adverse effects are often seen in only a small portion of the population and could be influenced by cooking techniques.

Red meat: balance between health, consumer choice and market

Finally, they were addressed economic and legal issues linked to the production and consumption of red meat in Italy. The importance of the farms and the professionalism of the operators have been highlighted as crucial factors to guarantee the socio-economic and environmental sustainability of the red meat supply chains in the country.