This is a possibility, which is growing closer, that scientists will ‘revive’ certain lost species. Mammoths are great candidates for the so-called ‘revival’ or… de-extinction. Because they disappeared in a very short time. And many intact specimens have been found frozen in the Arctic. But they are not the only ones.
Which animals can ‘come back’ thanks to extinction?
Siberian mammoth
It is the first choice of scientists to put research techniques into practice. de-extinction, because it is easy to access the frozen cells of these enormous pachyderms. And they believe that in this way it would be easier to clone and reborn a mammoth, study it and know the conditions under which it became extinct.
It is known that mammoths were a very “weak” race. This is because they had little genetic diversity, which could be one of the keys to their disappearance. To this must be added their inability to move to warmer areas during the ice ages, caused by: climate change Naturally. These are the two main theories on which the woolly mammoth extinction is based.

Tasmanian tiger
The Tasmanian tiger was a native dog and endemic to Australia. The species became extinct in 1936 after being harassed by bounty hunters (it was believed that these animals ate those on farms). The last specimen died in an Australian zoo due to unfortunate negligence. He was left outside the compound where he lived and died of cold.
These creatures are very good candidates for reactivation because their disappearance is very recent. In addition, there are many intact samples, including that of a baby preserved in formalin since 1866. So it would be easier to collect the necessary DNA. These tigers were the largest marsupial carnivores in human history. nature.
Pyrenean ibex
The bucardo or Pyrenean ibex was the first animal to really return after its extinction. The scientists managed to successfully resuscitate the DNA and create a cloned fetus of the Pyrenean Montesa goat, which was implanted into the uterus of a domesticated goat. Unfortunately, the de-extinction was not as successful as expected. The baby died just seven minutes after birth due to lung failure.
Saber-toothed tiger
These felines are also a target on scientists’ list, as they only disappeared 11,000 years ago and frozen remains have been found in several parts of their vast habitat. In addition, bodies of these felines have been found in natural deposits. Animals that could become extinct.
giant sloths
Unlike the small three-toed sloths we can find today, prehistoric ground sloths or Megatheria were gigantic beasts. And while there are remains that can be used to clone DNA and create a fetus, there is no surrogate mother into which it can be inserted. For now, this is a true utopia for scientists, who are already considering creating artificial wombs to solve this problem.
Carolina parakeet
The Carolina parakeet used to be the only parrot native to the United States. But it became extinct because it was hunted for its characteristic colors and good temperament until it was officially destroyed in 1918. It is undoubtedly a recently extinct species that would be a very good candidate for de-extinction.
woolly rhinoceros
In addition to the mammoth, the woolly rhinoceros was also covered in a large mass of hair. And just like these, frozen specimens are found in certain parts of Siberia and the Arctic. Therefore, it is considered a good candidate for reactivation or de-extinction. Animals that could become extinct.
passenger pigeon
The passenger pigeon covered the skies of North America until about 100 years ago. And it went from being one of the animals with the most copies to becoming extinct. The cause was hunting and excessive consumption of meat. These birds have a physical build very similar to other types of pigeons, so there is a chance of obtaining stem cells for cloning.
Chinese Baiji river dolphin
In the Baiji River, these dolphins were considered “functionally extinct” in 2006, mainly due to human intervention. Although tremendous efforts are being made to revive through methods of de-extinction, For this species, it would be impossible to reintroduce it to its natural environment. Because of the excessive pollution of the Yangtze River and its tributaries.
Bird Huia
The worst that could happen to this bird with its curved beak and beautiful plumage was to be declared the national symbol of New Zealand. That made it “fashionable” to have him as a pet. The species was exterminated in 1907 by indiscriminate hunting. But enough samples have been preserved to obtain valid DNA to achieve his goal. de-extinction.