Eastern Green Corridor of Madrid, the City Council will be present at the working table

The East Madrid Green Corridor Initiative It is inspired by the Regulation on Nature Restoration approved by the EU and the idea is to unite the Southeast Regional Park with the Ambroz lagoons.

The City Council of Madrid has been integrated into the newly formed working group that will promote the Eastern Green Corridor project. This initiative seeks to unite the Southeast Regional Park, around the axes of the lower reaches of the Manzanares and Jarama rivers, with the Ambroz lagoons and their surroundings. It is inspired by the new Regulation on Nature Restoration, recently approved by the Council of the European Union.

The Madrid City Council will participate in the work to define and promote this corridor through the Urban Planning, Environment and Mobility Area, directed by Borja Carabante. Along with the City Council of the capital, the town councils of San Fernando de Henares and Coslada and four neighborhood and environmental conservation organizations.

On September 27, all the members of the board met so that the associations will present the project to municipal technicians. During this meeting, progress began in the development of a joint work protocol that would allow the proposed objectives to be developed.

What is the East Madrid Green Corridor?

This initiative seeks to provide a solution to one of the main problems faced by certain animal species in the surroundings of large cities: infrastructure, which can cause a reduction in populations and even their disappearance of a certain area.


In this context, green or ecological corridors represent a solution that helps partially alleviate this problem. In the case of the proposal that concerns the east of Madrid, its promoters assure that it would contribute to connecting the populations of many species of insects, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds that were isolated in recent decades and that there is still time to save.

The proposed corridor crosses the municipalities of Madrid, San Fernando de Henares and Coslada and would connect the Southeast Regional Park, at its farthest end to the city of Madrid; the hills of San Fernando and the Wetland Park, in its central sectionand the Ambroz lagoons and their entire surroundings already within the capital.

Apart from protect the biodiversity of the environmentthis project would offer an uninterrupted space to explore on foot or by bicycle, connecting San Fernando and Coslada with the neighborhoods of Los Cerros and El Cañaveral (Vicálvaro) and with the district of San Blas-Canillejas.

With this initiative, it is intended to generate a positive effect on the air quality of the area, aligning, therefore, with the objectives of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy Madrid 360 that has led the capital to have its best historical records and to comply in the last two years with the European Air Quality Directive.

The green corridor Madrid will try to configure an uninterrupted space to explore on foot or by bicycle, while seeking to solve the problems of division of their habitat, which they face animal species common to the areas to be connected.