Ecologists believe that the PNIEC could have had more climate ambition

Ecologists they believe that the TRUNK I could have had more climate ambition: After more than a year since the presentation of the design in 2023, the plan does not introduce additional measures that could have increased the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions according to Greenpeace.

The purpose of reducing greenhouse gas emissions has been set at 32%, better than the previous target of 23%, but far from the 55% needed to achieve Paris Agreement.

The NGO believes that the new Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) approved by the government today represents an improvement over the previous plan, but is very far away the required speed and what science indicates.

The government has had more than a year to improve the plan, but has not used that time neither to develop a participatory process in which all interested parties can exchange knowledge, experiences and expectations, nor to introduce new measures and thus improve the emission reduction regarding the design.

“From her possible position as Vice President of Clean, Fair and Competitive Transition in the new European Commission, Teresa Ribera will be able to improve and accelerate the European response to the climate crisis the planet is suffering in an increasingly tragic waybecause there will be many opportunities to be more ambitious. An important step will be the definition of the EU emissions target in 2040, when we need to achieve net zero emissions,” he stated. Pedro Zorrilla Mirasresponsible for the NGO’s climate change campaign in Spain.

The plan increases energy from renewable sources to 81% by 2030, although the target should have been 100%

‘There are countless measures that could have been introduced in the EU TRUNK and that they would have succeeded in improving the objectives of reduce emissionsthe lives of citizens and the economy of families,” concludes Zorrilla.

The plan increases the share of electricity that will come from renewable sources in 2030 to 81%, although the target should have been 100%.. In addition, maintains the goal of closing nuclear power plantssomething that makes perfect sense for a competitive and fair energy transitionbut it is still very short of the measures in the mobility sector and in the agri-food system.

Despite the historic agreement of the Dubai World Climate Summit (COP28) for giving up fossil fuels, which was reaffirmed at the United Nations Summit in New York, The new PNIEC does not include additional measures to accelerate the cessation of the use of gas, coal and oillike a an orderly calendar for the closure of thermal gas power plants or a plan to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies.

Now the process of implementing the new begins TRUNKwhich will require a large capacity of the administration. The new challenges include ensuring that citizens are the key players in the new steps of the energy transition, for example through energy communities, and the development and implementation of the Social Climate Fund..