ECOMONDO 2024, from November 5 to 8, in Rimini (Italy)

The twenty-seventh edition of Ecoworld arrives again in the Italian city of Rimini from November 5 to 8. This year, among the central themes, will be artificial intelligence at the service of the circular economy.

Ecomondo, the reference event in Europe for the ecological and circular economy, returns to the Rimini Fair from November 5 to 8, 2024. Organized by Italian Exhibition Group (IEG), the event, in its twenty-seventh edition, represents a center strategic international to explore the technological solutions and policies needed to realize a vision of sustainable development at a global level.

The event represents a fundamental opportunity to take stock of the state of adoption, at the Italian, European and international level, of the circular economy in the main industrial chains, in line with the projects of the PNRR and the European Green Deal.

The fair offers a wide and accredited program of conferences, workshops, meetings and seminars. The events are directed by the Scientific Technical Committee, made up of a group of more than 80 experts and chaired by Professor Fabio Fava, in collaboration with national and international organizations, commercial and professional associations, consortia, agencies and sector federations.

Participants will have the opportunity to catch up on the latest trends, technologies and regulations in the sectoras well as dealing with international experts and professionals.

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The artificial intelligence will be a key topic of the 2024 edition of Ecomondo in which it will delve into all the macro thematic areas of the fair, demonstrating its crucial role in accelerating the transition towards a circular and sustainable economy.

According to a study carried out by EY Italy AI Barometer, Italy ranks third in Europe when it comes to the adoption of AI in companies, with 85% of companies using at least an artificial intelligence technology. Ecoworld 2024 is proposed as an ideal platform to explore these potentials in the context of environmental sustainability.

In the Environmental Monitoring and Earth Observation sector, visitors will be able to discover the most advanced AI solutions for the acquisition and analysis of satellite data aimed at the control and environmental monitoring, biodiversity and agroforestry production. Advanced satellite tracking technologies, integrated with Big Data and artificial intelligence models, are key tools to address climate change.

In this context, it is worth highlighting the event “Indoor air: the role in the relationship between environment and health”, organized by the Scientific Technical Committee Ecoworld and by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Higher Institute of Health). Likewise, the session «Earth Observation Technologies to improve environmental management» will delve into the use of AI in Earth observation.

In this area, on November 6, the event “Earth Observation – Near Future Scenarios” will be held, the objective of which will be to explore the evolution and growing importance of Earth observation in different sectorswith special attention to applications in Italy for the control and monitoring of hydrogeological degradation, archaeological heritage, water dispersions and the development of smart agriculture.

The area dedicated to the Blue Economy will highlight the role of AI in optimizing port management, preventing marine pollution and efficiently using water. Of special importance will be the event «Digitalization and optimization of the efficiency of water networks«, organized by the Scientific Technical Committee of Ecomondo, the Polytechnic University of Marche, the University of Bologna and UTILITALIA. This event will explore the application of AI in the analysis of big data and in the creation of digital twins for innovative and sustainable management of the integrated water cycle.

In the Circular and Healthy City area, the workshop «Earth Observation and Digital Twins to improve urban resilience» scheduled for November 5 and organized by the Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee and the Polytechnic of Turin, it will explore how AI can revolutionize urban management.

The session «Control of Urban Landscapes: The Power of Data and Digital Twins» will delve into the use of AI for urban control and monitoring, presenting case studies of cities that use AI-based digital twins to simulate the impact of new infrastructure, optimize energy consumption and improve resilience to extreme climate events.

In the Waste as Resource area, the AI will be presented as a key tool to optimize waste management. Visitors will be able to attend practical demonstrations of machine learning for automated waste sorting and optimal planning of collection routes.

The area dedicated to the Bioeconomy will host sessions that will explore how AI algorithms can reduce the environmental impact of the primary sector, improving resource efficiency and resilience to climate changes. The session “The drivers for a stronger and more competitive agri-food chain: between tradition and innovation, circularity, energy transition” scheduled for November 6 and organized in collaboration with Confagricoltura, Federalimentare and ENEA.

It will take stock of the most innovative solutions for data-based and sustainable agriculture, and how algorithms can reduce the environmental impact of the sector, improving resource efficiency and resilience to climate change.

AI is demonstrating significant potential to support economic sustainabilitysocial and environmental. As recent studies highlight, AI can contribute to the optimization of resources, the reduction of waste and the implementation of circular economy models. Ecoworld 2024 aims to explore these opportunities, offering a unique platform for dialogue between innovators, policy makers and industry.

With a format that combines a high-level exhibition part with a rich program of events, Ecoworld 2024 consolidates itself as the reference platform in Europe to explore the latest trends in digitalization and sustainability. The event will offer visitors the unique opportunity to see up close how artificial intelligence can accelerate the ecological transition in all sectors of the circular economy.

The meeting between AI, the circular economy and the greatest exponents of the sector will be Ecomondo, the Rimini Fair between November 5 and 8, 2024, during which attendees will enjoy four days of networking, training and business that aim at sustainable innovation.