Environmental action to demand from the EC policies in favor of nature and the climate

ecological action to claim the CE policies in favor of the nature and the climate: Greenpeace asks Teresa Ribera and the rest of the future commissioners to advance a green transition in Europe socially just and protects future generations. Companies that destroy the planet should not benefit from taxpayers’ money, so it is necessary to advance the “polluter pays” principle. The NGO calls for international leadership in UN Biodiversity and Climate Summits to protect and restore nature and for rapid, clean and fair decarbonization.

NGO activists have installed a sculpture of a nine-meter-high tree outside the European Parliament in Brussels to ask its members that put nature protection at the center of EU plans.

In the coming weeks, members of the European Parliament They will question the candidates for the positions of new European commissioners in charge of different community policies over the next five years. The Spanish Teresa Ribera is the candidate nominated by the president of the Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, for the vice presidency of the Clean, Fair and Competitive Transition. With such a crucial role for the future of the European Unionthe NGO asks you to promote a fair green transition in favor of the social majorities and an economy that functions within the limits of the planet.

The tree includes messages of hope about nature sent by thousands of people across Europe. Besides, The organization has displayed a banner that reads: «Stop the destruction of nature: save lives», a message that must be very present in the framework of the upcoming negotiations of the COP16 Biodiversitywhich starts next October 21 in Cali (Colombia).

The NGO reminds the future vice president Ribera that to increase Europe’s competitiveness It is essential to advance the green agenda in a socially just way, protecting and restoring natureforcing the big companies pay for their pollution and without wasting taxpayer resources on harmful subsidies that end up on their bottom line.

During Teresa Ribera’s mandate in the Government of Spain, notable progress has been made in environmental matters. We hope that now, from Europe, you will articulate these changes with ambition and urgency over the coming years, always in line with science, because there is still a long way to go. It is essential that you defend a clean, fair and competitive transition for the true security of people, prioritizing the well-being of future generations over the economic benefits of a few.

The new European Commission has given more powers to the Ecological Transition and increases the responsibility in the position of a vice presidency, just as happened in Spain. This prioritization in the organizational chart and greater powers have allowed substantive progress in the energy transition, in the fight against climate change and the conservation of biodiversity.

European citizens demand that the EU protects nature and guarantees a safe climate for future generations. He European Parliament It must ensure that future European commissioners make health a central theme in their plans for the next five years and shape EU laws and the economy to ensure this.

Restoring the vitality of nature in Europe is crucial for clean air, water and healthy soils for sustainable agriculture as well as resilience to extreme weather conditions.. Those in positions of power in the EU must treat the interconnected environmental challenges we face with the seriousness they deserve and stop those who profit from the destruction of nature, including hundreds of millions of European money flowing into the destruction of nature. nature beyond the borders of the EU.