Environmental and civil organizations demand that the Xunta de Galicia reject Altri’s pulp ‘Gama Project’

Under the name of Gama Projectthe Portuguese company Others plans to launch a textile fiber factory in Palais de Rei (Lugo). The initiative has triggered massive protests by citizens, as well as environmental and civil organizations..

The controversial Gama Project plans to build a cellulose textile fiber factory in the town of Palais de Rei (Lugo). The objective of this plant, which has the support of the Council of Galiciaes manufacture up to 400,000 tons of soluble cellulose and another 200,000 tons of lyocell (a fiber made from plant material).

More than half a million signatures collected against him Gama Projectwill be deposited today at the main headquarters of the Council of Galicia. The project is clearly not viable and environmental organizations are demanding an unfavorable environmental declaration. There will be held a demonstration to be held on December 15 in Compostela under the motto “The Xunta cannot silence an entire country”.

Environmental organizations demand the definitive disposal of macrocellulose construction project that the multinational Altri wants to carry out in Palas do Rei (Lugo).

Ecologists They have brought to the regional headquarters more than 550,000 signatures from people who oppose Altri’s nonsense, to demand that the will of the citizens be heeded.

The project that they try to impose on us Others and the Council of Galicia It is a bomb in the heart of Galicia. The risks for biodiversity, for the quality of the environment and for the socioeconomic balance of the area and the entire country they are not acceptable from any point of view.

Half a million signatures for an unfavorable environmental declaration to be issued

Today they are delivered more than half a million signatures that ask the Council of Galicia to issue, once and for all, a unfavorable environmental declaration and, above all, that stop seeing the territory as a simple place for the extraction of raw materials. Our society deserves development in accordance with the care of nature, which is what gives us life.

The action wants to draw attention to the unsustainable dimensions of the Altri projectwhich would affect a surface ten times greater than that of Ence, in Pontevedra. The macrofactory would be located, in an unusual way, in a place that the Xunta de Galicia itself already identified years ago to expand the meager Natura network of Galiciathe smallest in the State. It also includes a water use –a collection of up to 46 million liters per day and a discharge of 30 million per dayindecent and irresponsible and the construction of a 75-meter-high chimney to emit enormous quantities of precursor substances of acid rain such as sulfur and nitrogen oxides.

Ecologists warn that the project would force the opening of a new eucalyptus plantation cycle in Galiciawhen what is necessary at this time is to extend the moratorium to new plantations until 2030 and make it effective and verifiable.

The macrocellulose project, which is currently in the environmental study phase by the Council of Galiciahas received a record of allegations againstmore than 23,000, and is generating a great wave of social mobilization. Even more than fifty environmental organizations from the five continents have sent a letter against the project to authorities of the Council of Galicia and the Government of Spain.

Environmental and neighborhood groups call on all citizens to go to the next mobilization (convened by the Ulloa Viva platform and the Platform in Defense of Ría de Arousa), which will take place in Santiago de Compostela this coming Sunday, December 15, at 12:00, to massively demand that the project be scrapped.