Euskadi: meeting to tackle the presence of the ‘Asian Clam’ in Aginaga

It is confirmed The presence of the Asian clam in the low part of the Oria River, In Gipuzkoa, at least 600 meters extends in this river course. It is an invasive species that had already been observed on other occasions, especially in the years 2015 and 2016, in the reservoirs of Underdurraga, in Bizkaia and Urrunaga, in Álava, but it was not detected so far.

Be experts Retarded to contain these invasive speciesBased on their efforts on past experiences with similar species, as is the case of the zebramoss, a Bivalvo weekly from the black and Caspian seas that still makes destruction in some areas.

Asian cockles in Gipuzcoa

The presence of the Asian clam (Corbicula SP) has been confirmed in Gipuzkoa for the first time. Hence, A New Meeting of the Basque Country Country Country Commission Has Been Convents – Where the Regional Deputations, Water Managing Entities, The UPV, The Hydrographic Confederations of the Cantabrian and the Ebro and Ura – Are Gather to Coordinate the Strategies – To Coordinate From management and monitoring of these invasive species.

This Invasive species with high impact are detected in the low part of the Oria RiverAt the height of Aginaga, and extends at least 600 meters from the river, in Graveras locations in winding the river; Although it can be expanded in a stretch of three kilometers. This species was previously registered in the reservoirs of Underdurraga (Bizkaia) and Urrunaga (Álava) in 2015 and 2016, but so far no new observations had been detected.

The Asian Clam, originally from the south and east of Asia, has shown a remarkable invasive capacity, negative influence of aquatic ecosystems and generating economic losses. This type of fresh water is characterized by its robust scale and regular ribs, and are able to reach densities of up to 10,000 individuals per square meter because of their high fertility.

What to do with the Asian Clam?

Asian Clam is a filter and hermaphrodite species that prefer clear and well -oxidized waters, which occupies sand funds. Is known for his Possibility to adapt to different temperatures and salt contentAlthough pollution does not tolerate properly. Since his first appointment in Spain in 1981, he has spread over various hydrographic basins, where the populations are remarkable in the Miño, Ebro, Guadiana and Duero rivers.

To combat this eSpecie Invasora, various treatment methods have been evaluated. Measures include manual elimination in small areas, temporary dehydration and the installation of filters in closed systems, as well as thermal and chemical treatments under controlled circumstances. In open systems, however, chemical checks are not effective due to environmental risks.

Weld Immediate actions in the river Oria include field inspections and delimitation of the affected area. In particular, a specific prospect of the species in the Oria River and other river basins of the Basque Country will be performed, with additional analysis by Milieu -DNA.

Control and prevention

Given the experience with the Zebra mossel, the measures for Control of the expansion of Asian Clam will focus on prevention and continuous monitoring. The coordination between the competent administrations and the various agents will be the key to limit the expansion of these invasive species and to protect the aquatic ecosystems of the Basque Country.

It is one Bivalvo de Agua Fresh, who can reach 4-5 cm longPresents a robust scale, characterized by regular and concentric ribs, highly marked. He lives on the bottom of the water masses, where he can reach density of up to 10,000 per m2 thanks to a high fertility, because a single reproductive person can generate more than 100,000 new ones throughout his life.