Feedback from the most important environmental organizations about the ‘Unpotection of the Iberian Wolf’ in Spain

Introduction: In the debate in the plenary meeting of the congress, the substitute of the Pp Milagros Marcos ensured that they will not reach «Silence the rural world»Those who try to do it because The popular party is on the side of farmers and cattle farmersWith the defense of “responsible management” of the Iberian Wolf. «Europe is clear; With the new guideline, the Wolf will manage species and the Spanish director will have to convert it for application, without option not to do this“He explained.

It will then be when he Iberian Wolf It will also be “manageable” Also south of the DueroAccording to the delegate of the Ppwho defended the assets of autonomous communities as managers to be able to implement the measures.

Through the PsoeDeputy Patricia Otero accused the Right groups To convert the debate of this law into a “show”, with the presentation of Changes that have nothing to do with what is being torn“To dirty as always a good law.”

“The Senate cannot be used as its cortijo”, in reference to the Pp y Vox; You cannot defend the constitution in the morning and break through later, “he added.

By the groups that have supported the amendment of PpThe substitute of PNV Said Joseba Aguirretxea “In Euskadi, extensive cattle are incompatible with the Iberian wolf”. Basque politics “Neither those affected” by the attacks of the animal, “neither to the communities nor to the cattle sector.” Also Isidre Gavin I Valls, from Junts, benefited from his speech to defend the farmers.

Tomás Fernández Ríos insisted on the side of Vox to get the Iberian wolf, but not only north of the Duero, but also in the southern zonein where there are also cases of attackshe said, after blaming the Pp No more warfare in Europe to change guidelines.

Main environmental organizations from Spain

Weld Main environmental organizations from Spain They reject that the approved changes in the Congress of representatives Unpleasant Unprotected the Iberian Wolf y Allowing hunting and systematic persecution is a serious setback that endangers the future of this essential species for ecosystems And? It will not solve the serious structural problems that really threaten an extensive cattle.

Changes to the wolf that were presented to take advantage of the law against food waste Vote for of the delegates of the PP, Vox, Junts and the Basque Nationalist Partywhile the delegates of Psoe, add and we can be voted against of these retrograde amendments and 14 delegates from other parties have abstained.

The lack of protection of Iberian wolf due to a law that has nothing to do with the species

Ecologist organizations consider it not -inadmissible The lack of protection of Iberian wolf due to a law that has nothing to do with the speciesA dark parliamentary maneuver and without any scientific approval, which improves the entire society of participation.

The approved changes include the exit of the populations of the Iberian wolf north of the Duero from the wild species list in special protection (Lesrpe)giving the autonomous communities Withdraw high -race quota and have shot dozens of copies every year.

But also These competitions with their voice have opened the door for the persecution of the Iberian Wolf south of the DueroIt could start if the European Union reduces species protection within the Habitats Directive.

De Wolf is an emblematic species with a fundamental role as a regulator of ecosystems, with enormous cultural importance, and whose presence in nature generates extensive environmental benefits.

The population of Iberian Wolf was included in the Lesrpe in 2021 with a favorable opinion about an independent scientific committee, appointed by the state and the autonomous communitiesWith a long perfectly regulated process that made the participation of civil society and regional administrations possible.

Ecologist organizations warn against the dangerous precedent for the protection of biodiversity that the parliamentary maneuver of the PP with the support of the PNV, JUNS and VOX is about the administrative procedure that is the law, science, science and the general interest in pure calculation and political opportunism.

It is a very serious setback that joins the entire legal framework for the protection of nature and the green agenda

The exit of the Lesrpe Wolf presupposes the return to the expired and failed management model that existed before 2021Based on the systematic persecution of Iberian Wolfwho did not have to reduce damage to extensive cattle and associated conflicts, or to bring the species to a favorable state of preservation.

Organizations remember that admission to the Lesrpe and the resulting approval of the Strategy for the preservation and management of the Iberian Wolf and its coexistence with the activities of the rural environment It has an unprecedented investment in damage prevention and compensation measures.

Regret that this political maneuver per country is the progress that has been made for the Coexistence between species and extensive cattleAnd that ends with the Transfer of funds for this purpose that was transferred from the State to the autonomous communities to compensate and support farmers.