First Line Science. Training for journalists

Given the European Night of Researchers and Researchers 2025, the Net Project, Science Together, in collaboration with Roman Stampa, offers a cycle of training seminars aimed at journalists

The importance of scientific training in journalism

In the era of Nepnieuws, scientific journalism plays an always central role in guaranteeing accurate and accessible information. The events of recent years, from pandemie to Climate changeI have emphasized how fundamentally a rigorous story of science is, able to reach the general public without distortions or excessive simplifications.

To meet this need, the project Net (science together)In collaboration with Roman printOrganized an interesting cycle of seminars aimed at professionals in the sector. Thanks to the direct testimony of active scientists and scientists in the most important research agencies in our country, these meetings not only offer an important professional dance, but will also be an authentic immersion in the limits of the research. Around the “Dancing” Two very current problems: quantum physics and safety of the territory and the environment.

One hundred years of quantum physics: the past, the present and the future of a scientific revolution

The first seminar, planned for February 14, 2025, marks a birthday of extraordinary relevance: the centenary of the birth of quantum mechanics, a theory that has radically transformed our conception of the physical universe.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, this field has challenged the classic intuitions, thereby introducing phenomena that seem to contradict common sense, such as the overlap of states, the mysterious entanglement and the duality of the wave particles.

If these ideas were originally exiled to the abstract world of comparisons and laboratory experiments, they today form the basis of some of the most advanced technological innovations, with applications that range from quantum information technology to ultra -ice coding, to the precision sensor E to the new generation of materials.


One of the most fascinating aspects of this theory is precisely the phenomenon of entanglement, a property according to which two particles, once interconnected, remain immediately connected, regardless of the distance it separates. This means that a change in the condition of a particle is immediately reflected, even if they turn out to be billions of kilometers away.

Einstein, initially skeptical, called this phenomenon “A long ghost action”Because it seemed to violate the principle of theory of relativity, which imposes a limit for the speed of spreading information.

Nowadays, thanks to the experiments carried out by world -famous physicists, we know that entanglement is a measurable and exploitable reality, so much even that it is the basis of cutting advanced technologies such as quantum communication networks, which can make data transfer completely safe for any interception attempt .

But the implications of this scientific revolution go much further than the field of IT safety. Quantum computers, for example, use the principles of overlapping and correlation between particles to process information exponentially faster than traditional devices.

This can lead to unprecedented progress in the simulation of complex phenomena, such as the design of new medicines, the development of materials with non -published properties or the modeling of climate systems.

In the same way, quantummetrology promises measuring instruments with a precision never before, fundamental for scientific research and for important sectors such as satellite navigation or the detection of gravitational waves.

The contribution of scientists

The seminar in fact offers a detailed overview of the contribution of Italian research in this area, and analyzes the progress of excellence such as theNational Institute of Nuclear Physics (Incn)Il National Research Council (CNR) and theLa Sapienza University of Rome. Due to the testimonies of prominent scientists, participants will get the opportunity to understand how our country prevents this global challenge and what future prospects for the development of technologies are based on the laws of quantum mechanics.

L’Entalian quantum weeks

The event is part of the Italian quantum weeksA national initiative aimed at promoting spreading and awareness of quantum sciences. Its development coincides with theInternational Year of Science and Quantum TechnologyRecalled by the United Nations for 2025, a birthday that underlines the importance of this discipline in the construction of the global technological and economic future.

Safety science: Climate monitoring and prevention of natural disasters

The second appointment, planned for March 14, 2025, will focus on one aspect imported for modern society: the safety of the territory and the environment.

In particular, the seminar will analyze the role of advanced technologies, from drones to satellites, from supercomputer to the latest generation sensors, used to trace in real -time phenomena such as earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions and air pollution. Special attention will be paid to risk communication, a strategic element to ensure that scientific information is translated into concrete prevention and mitigation actions.

The speakers, experts from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), of the Istituto Superiore for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) and the National Research Council (CNR) stand out, who will present cases and strategies will be present to cases With emergencies in the environment with the support of scientific research.

The role of communication in science: a challenge for journalism

In addition to the technical and academic aspects, both seminars will receive the challenge of scientific distribution. How can you actually tell very complex phenomena? How do you make highly specialized topics accessible to the public without jeopardizing methodological strictness?

To answer these questions, journalists and scientists are.

Experts will modulate the meetings and share their skills about how advanced concepts can be translated into comprehensible, penetrating and stimulating stories, in a continuously evolving media manorama, between social networks, disinformation and the new boundaries of digital journalism.

How you can participate and accredited

Seminars 2025 are reserved for journalists who are registered in the order, who can obtain three training credits for each meeting. Registration takes place via the platform Civil servant of the Order of Journalists.

The initiative is part of the Net-Science Together project, funded by the Horizon-MSCA-2023-Citizens-01-01 program, and created with the participation of important Italian research agencies, including CNR, SEA, INFN, INGV , ISPRA, CINECA, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Sapienza, University of Tuscia, Uninettuno and the research center Enrico Fermi.