The possibility of freezing the mares to convert them into drinking water. A strange idea that is about to be put into action. The invention that carries drinking water anywhere in the world seemed insurmountable, but what you are going to see now will take you out of your comfort zone. comfort. It goes without saying the importance of water in our lives.
The functions it plays on the planet are crucial for the life of all living beings. Water is a natural resource that makes possible the correct functioning of the biological processes of ecosystems. In addition, it guarantees the survival of all animals and animals on our planet.
It is one of the resources most present in living beings, not only because of the need to drink potable water, but also because water is a great regulator of terrestrial ecosystems. It maintains the perfect balance between animal and plant subsistence.

The drought could be forgotten with this new way of obtaining drinking water
Faced with the devastating drought that is being experienced in different parts of the world, the start-up french Seawards emerges as a beacon of innovation with a recent development in cryoseparation desalination technology. It promises a more ecological and economical option to the traditional reverse osmosis process.
With climate change putting fresh water on the ropes, nearly 2 billion people lack access to drinking water, according to data provided by the United Nations. Under these circumstances, France It is one of the countries with the highest level of water stress.
It should be remembered that only 1% of the water available in the world is liquid fresh water, as opposed to 97% of the oceans. Faced with this scenario, seawater desalination is a viable alternative and already practiced in several countries, with more than 22,000 desalination units registered globally in 2022.
The usual method of desalination is reverse osmosis. It is effective, but is besieged by strong criticism due to its ostentatious energy consumption and the waste it produces, especially brine, which is a significant environmental problem.
For this reason, Seawards is gaining attention with its revolutionary cryoseparation process, designed to overcome these limitations, according to Hervé de Lanversin, co-founder of the start-up.
Drinking water has a new horizon: freezing the seas seems the best solution
Seawards employs pure water separation technology in a cooling cycle. Salt water and pure water subjected to a drop in temperature react differently. Pure water solidifies at zero degrees, while salt water only freezes when the temperature drops to minus two degrees.
This characteristic allows for, during the cooling cycle, a separation of material that allows the pure water crystals to be extracted in solid form when the salt water will be declined.
This solution contemplates lower energy consumption, lower production costs, a reduction in carbon emissions and less sensitivity to increases in energy costs.
In addition, it is less polluting. It represents a discharge of water that is slightly saltier than that pumped (never more than 10%) and that does not contain chemicals. 10% of the cryose-separated water is transformed into fresh water below 250 ppm.
90% of the seawater is rejected, preventing an overload of salt from occurring that could be polluting. The claim of Seawards is to have the inauguration of its first desalination plant in Marseilles this year.
In short, freezing the mares to convert them into drinking water It seems to be the best possible alternative to break the streak of drought that is devastating different parts of the planet.