Funds for the ‘Costa Quebrada Geopark’ project

The counselors of Santander’s Rural Development, Culture and Environment have attended the 3rd meeting of the Geopark Governance Committee. This is the first to be held after its inclusion in the network has been approved.

The Minister of Development, Housing, Territorial Planning and Environment, Roberto Media; that of Culture, Tourism and Sports, Luis Martínez Abad; and the Minister of Rural Development, Livestock, Fishing and Food, María Jesús Susinos, attended today the meeting of the Costa Quebrada Governance Committee, in which the mayors and representatives of the 8 town councils that are part of the park participated, as well as as the technical team of the Association, researchers and university representatives.

The Costa Quebrada Geopark

Media has announced that the Executive will invest 335,000 euros in this project and highlights “the global recognition” that it has brought to Cantabria.The inclusion of Costa Quebrada in the UNESCO network.

The counselor has pointed out that this meeting is the first since the Costa Quebrada Geopark has been recognized by UNESCO and that it is a “very special” day because the results of “working together” are beginning to be seen: Thanks to joint work and union of all the town councils, the representatives of the association and the Government with the president of Buruaga at the helm, the Geopark is a reality and we can, from there, start working.

Media has added that “we have done the most difficult thing, which is to arrive, and now we must achieve new goals so that it benefits the citizens of the region, to the environment and the entire surroundings of Costa Quebrada».


The town councils whose territories are part of the Costa Quebrada Geopark They are Santander, Piélagos, Suances, Santa Cruz de Bezana, Camargo, Polanco, Santillana del Mar and Miengo. The mayors of all the localities have participated in the meeting.