Galicia: ‘Flood Management Plan 2028-2033’

He Flood Risk Management Plan covers all aspects of flood risk managementalthough it focuses on the prevention, protection, preparation and recovery/evaluation. It also takes into account flood forecast and early alert systems, according to the characteristics of the hydrographic basin or sub -basin considered.

Includes Fluvial and Hydrological-Agoforestry Restoration Measures, in addition to others to improve linear infrastructure drainage, of prediction of avenues, of which it must take civil protection, those of territorial planning and urban planning, which promotes insurance and finally structural ones.

Prevent floods in Galicia

The Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Ángeles Vázquez, participated in the Committee of Competent Authorities of the Galicia-Costa Hydrographic Demarcation, in which, among other issues, the update and review of the Preliminary flood risk evaluation (EPRI) for cycle 2028-2033.

As explained by the Minister, this approval implies a fundamental previous step for the development of the Flood risk management plan, as well as the danger mapsince it incorporates the proposal of areas with significant potential risk of flood (ARPSI). In this sense, the new planning incorporates two new river ARPSIS, in Oleiros and Ferrol, and expands an existing one in the municipality of Ponteceso. In this way, “a total of 172 river and 28 coastal arpsis is reached,” added Ángeles Vázquez.

In addition, this document, in addition to the flood events that occurred between 2018 and 2023, also collects the projections of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change (IPCC), which indicate a Increase of extreme events with more intense rains and a greater frequency of floods. Thus, according to the Minister, the analysis of the current situation is essential, as well as the design and decision making that allow a better adaptation to the new climatic challenges.

Also, at the meeting held today in Santiago de Compostela, a flood risk management plan (PXRI) 2023 was also monitored, whose objective is reduce flood impacts by implementing structural and non -structural measures. This analysis allowed to evaluate the degree of execution of the actions developed, such as the reinforcement of alert systems, risk mitigation works in priority areas or the dissemination of awareness campaigns on this matter.

To conclude, the Minister made “coordination, cooperation and involvement” value of all members of the Committee of Competent Authorities of the Galicia-Cost Hydrographic Demarcation for the development of actions that guarantee compliance with the deadlines established in the regulations in force, as well as preventive and corrective measures necessary for sustainable water management.