Galicia will install information signs in 4 natural parks

The Xunta de Galicia will make an investment of around €185,000 in order to install a series of information posters in four of the natural parks and habitats of the dune squid. He ultimate goal is to protect local biodiversity.

The posters will be placed in natural parks in the community, as well as in other areas that are natural habitats of the dune grasshopper (Charadrius alexandrinus) with the purpose of raising public awareness about the importance of caring for these spaces and protecting the flora and fauna existing in the environment. Both contracts, tendered by the General Directorate of Natural Heritage last summer, were awarded in batches in recent weeks.

Information signs for visitors

The first of them is aimed at the development of content, design and placement of exterior signs that contribute to raising public awareness about the natural heritage and biodiversity existing in the surroundings of four of the six protected areas of Galicia recognized with the category of Natural Park: Baixa Limia-Serra do Xurés, Fragas do Eume, El Invernadeiro and Serra da Enciña da Lastra.

The contract, awarded for almost 103,000 euros and co-financed with the Galicia Feder 2021-2027 Program, seeks to provide the means for visitors to these four areas to access the information on conservation values ​​and objectives of them.

For this, different elements will be used such as totems, information panels, road signs, staffs and beacons that the successful bidders will transport and place in their final location. The term for the execution of the works will be six months.

Protecting the birds

The second contract, related to the dune pillara and framed in the European interregional project Iberalex, has the purpose of supplying both permanent and temporary signs on beaches and wet areas in which this native species of Galicia lives or nests, a community that concentrates the only population of this bird existing in the entire Spanish Cantabrian-Atlantic sector.

Divided into two lots, awarded for a total of 80,926.5 euros with European co-financing from the Interreg Spain-Portugal Program 2021-2027, the objective is to inform citizens of the presence of pills in the designated areas and improve the conservation of populations of this specieswhich is currently classified as vulnerable.

To this end, the first lot is for the supply of 60 permanent posters for your delivery and installation in the sandy areas of the different town councils of the provinces of A Coruña, Lugo and Pontevedra in which this type of bird is present.

As for the second batch, it focuses on the preparation of something more than 200 temporary signs for delivery to the Casa de la Costa Visitor Reception Center of the Corrubedo Dune Complex Natural Park and Carregal and Vixán lagoons for subsequent distribution throughout the species’ nesting areas.

The idea behind this initiative is to inform visitors about the characteristics of each habitat, so that knowing it and knowing the biodiversity it housesNot only do they not damage it, but they also take care to protect it.