GEOENERGY: Geothermal energy already has a National Association

GEOENERGY: Geothermal energy already has a National Association: the Spanish technological and innovation platform in geothermal energy, FLAThas launched its spin-off, the Spanish Geothermal Society, GENERGÍAwith the aim of companies in the geothermal sector and guide the growth of their businesses and also promote a regulatory, political and social framework that promotes the sustainable implementation of geothermal energy in the areas. FLAT has announced that it will strengthen its R&D&I and public-private partnership activities to enhance the competitiveness of the geothermal.

Spanish Geothermal Society, GENERGÍA j FLAT will collaborate in forming a common space, the State geothermal networkthat will connect all public-private actors in healthcare geothermal and will make them visible Geo-MApp.

FLAT, Spanish technological and innovation platform in the field of geothermal energypresented yesterday at the Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings (IDAE) its spin-off: the Spanish Geothermal Society, GENERGÍAwho was born with the mission to be the voice of geothermal sector in Spain.

Margarita de Gregorio, general secretary of FLAT and CEO of the Spanish Geothermal Society, GENERGÍAannounced this new vehicle that is created to join forces in the success of the projects of the geothermal sector, in addition to maximizing your visibility and opportunities. He Plan REPowerEU has put into context that the ambitious environmental and energy targets set out in the European Union and in Spain require the participation of all sources of renewable energy And? geothermal is essential in decarbonization of energy consumption, both electrical and thermal.

European geothermal energy strategy

To this is added the support given by the European parliament whereby the resolution unanimously approved at the beginning of 2024 is a European geothermal energy strategy that reduces administrative burdens and promotes investments in construction, industry and agriculture; a geothermal industrial alliance to achieve effective implementation of the legislation and a harmonized risk reduction plan. Moreover, it encourages Member States to do so design national geothermal strategies (such as those of the French, German, Polish, Austrian, Croatian and Irish governments) and promote the just transition of mining basins through the development of geothermal energy.

All this has the need for a business association in Spain that brings together the private sector and defends its regulatory and market interests. In this sense, De Gregorio stated that one of his priorities is the Spanish Geothermal Society, GENERGÍA will work on regulatory and political proposals, will design strategies to promote the development of the geothermal sector in a sustainable waywill promote knowledge about geothermal energy, facilitate market information, make visible the actors operating in the sector and their facilities, create synergies and alliances with key actors that drive the sector’s progress and keep the sector informed for strategic decision.

Support from government services for the establishment of GENERGY

GeenERGÍA is created with the support of government servicesbetween them IDAE, institution affiliated to the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO), where the presentation event was organized. The general manager, Joan Groizard, opened the event and expressed the suitability of Spanish Geothermal Society, GENERGÍA given the “exciting” moment that the geothermal and the “maturity and knowledge” of FLAT to stimulate it. Groizard emphasized the potential of this source of renewable energythe importance of increasing its use and the first studies into it deep geothermal energy that will take place in Spain.

For her part, Ana Mª Lancha, Head of the Energy Department of the Scientific and Technical Thematic Programs Department of the State Research Agency (AEI), affiliated with the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, He also positively appreciated the establishment of the Spanish Geothermal Society, GENERGÍAindicating that “today is a great day for the whole geothermal”. Lancha explained the state support that currently exists to promote the transfer of knowledge and cooperation for the development of the country geothermal.

Paloma Pérez, coordinator of FLAT, presented the platform’s new action plan, which will provide more value to its members. Before, FLAT will bring together all public-private actors active in the field of R&D&I in healthcare. geothermalwill identify entities, capacities and facilities in the sector, collaborate with government departments and adapt its services to current needs through scientific-technical seminars, sectoral congresses and documentation for training and knowledge of the sector. geothermal sector.

FLAT and the Spanish Geothermal Society, GENERGÍA will be integrated into the State geothermal networkthat will connect all public-private actors in healthcare geothermal. The State geothermal network will increase the visibility of the sector Geo-MAppthe largest visual database of entities in the field of geothermal in Spain, which has public access.

Keys to the development of geothermal energy in Spain

The Meeting of FLAT It was also an important event for the participation of professionals and experts from the geothermal sector, who gave their views on the development possibilities of the geothermal in the country.

In the round table ‘Research, innovation and training in geothermalkeys for its development’, Paula Fernández-Canteli Álvarez (Geological and Mining Institute of Spain – IGME), Celestino García de la Noceda (IGME), Ignasi Herms (Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia) and Perla Piña-Varas (Department of Earth – and Ocean Sciences from the University of Barcelona) will analyze the turning point that the world has experienced geothermal. They emphasized the need for innovation, for public-private partnerships and for more data on the sector, its capacities and the projects being implemented that are financed with public funds.

Alfredo Garzón Gómez (MITERD General Subdirectorate for Energy Efficiency) and Carmen López Ocón (IDAE Geothermal Department) focused on the ‘Geothermal energy, energy and efficiency‘ in the Public Administration panel. Those responsible took into account the importance of the principle of technological neutrality and of not creating barriers to energies such as geothermalwith great qualities for renovation and new construction of buildings.

Sector professionals Álvaro Arnáiz (Repsol), Iñigo Arrizabalaga (TELUR), Javier Caballero (HUNOSA) and Alberto Ferradás García (Ecoforest) participated in the round table ‘Present and Future of Geothermal Energy’. They highlighted the excellent prospects and major challenges facing the world’s business community geothermal.

The event ended with a tribute to Celestino Garcia de la Nocedabefore his retirement from the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME), who was appointed Honorary chairman of GEOPLAT for his outstanding professional career, contribution to the platform since its inception and his commitment to the development of the platform geothermal sector in Spain.