The Iberian wolf (Sealed wolf dog) is included in the LESPRE (List of Wild Species in Special Protection Regimeafter the publication in the BOE on September 21, 2021, of the ministerial order, which modified the development of this list.
The exposure to herbicides containing glyphosate have been linked to certain types of canceras well as with adverse effects on both human development and hormonal systems. This is especially concerning, experts say, because certain health effects associated with glyphosate use can also be passed on to other generations.
Environmental ‘horrors’: wolf and glyphosate
Environmental organizations consider a serious mistake that the Government of La Rioja eliminates the regional protection of the Iberian wolf, a decision that ignores scientific evidence and the efforts made to promote coexistence between this protected species and extensive livestock farming. The legislative change, contained in the draft to modify the Biodiversity and Natural Heritage Law of La Rioja, represents an unjustified setback in the region’s environmental policy.
Stating that the wolf is “overprotected” in La Rioja lacks any scientific basisbecause although it is recovering naturally since the control measures and death of specimens were suspended, Their presence in the region is still very scarce. La Rioja is key to ensuring the future of the species, allowing genetic exchange between specimens of the Iberian population and those that are increasingly arriving from Europe.
They remember that preventive measures – such as surveillance and fencing of herds, or the use of mastiff dogs – are the most effective strategy to reduce attacks on livestock, not killing wolves. The data is clear: in 2019, before the prohibition of hunting of the species and with a smaller populationmore than 600 attacks were recorded, figures similar to the current ones. The organization demands from the regional government real solutions for the extensive livestock sector, including greater financing for preventive measures and fairer and more agile compensation against possible attacks.
Likewise, they regret the statements of the Minister in which she expresses the intention of the La Roja government that ranchers can “manage the wolf”, since it is responsibility of its council the conservation of a protected species by national and European regulations.
More glyphosate?
On the other hand, the legislative proposal also includes authorization of the use of glyphosateignoring the numerous scientific evidence on the risks that this herbicide represents for human health and ecosystems. La Rioja was a pioneer in Spain by prohibiting the use of this product in gutters and in public spaces such as parks and gardens to protect public health, a decision that followed in the footsteps of other European countries. That’s why, They urge the Government of La Rioja to reconsider these measures and prioritize science-based policies that protect nature and human well-being.
In fact, environmental organizations highlight that work is currently being done to achieve a ban, at the state level, on non-agricultural uses of glyphosate, so This draft would go against the interests of citizens and public health policies. Especially if they are used in public spaces with sensitive populations, such as near schools, hospitals, etc.