Goodbye to forest fires forever: this is how AI wants to save nature and humanity

The fight against forest fires could end very soon thanks to AI. This growing threat in the world would come to an end with the efforts put into technology and artificial intelligence: from satellites that detect the first signs of fires from space to algorithms that predict their spread. Technology is becoming the best “weapon” to combat this evil that destroys essential natural spaces for the world.

In 2019 and 2020, the fires of Australia They released more than 400 megatons of CO2. On the other hand, recent studies have put on the table that fires in USA They cost around 839 billion dollars annually.

Under these circumstances, revolutionary companies like Pano Al y OroraTech They have put on the shirt and are leading the battle against the forest fires. They use mountain-mounted cameras and low-altitude satellites for optimal detection and analysis. The initiative FireAid has the support of World Economic Forum and has shown to have 80% in predicting fires in Türkiye. In this way, a milestone is marked with artificial intelligence in the management of forest fires.

What place does technology have in the war against forest fires?

Pano Ala startup of ‘firetech‘ based in California, uses a network of cameras mounted on top of mountains that rotate 360 ​​degrees every minute. The objective is to obtain data on the forest fires. They upload the collected information to the cloud, allowing any indication to be detected and precisely located in real time. Quickly detecting the emergence of a fire is crucial for effective containment.

The German company OroraTech carries the detection of forest fires to unexplored limits, sending low-altitude satellites the size of a shoe box. They use thermal infrared sensors to find hot spots, signs of forest fires. Their algorithms send this information within minutes, achieving an effective response to the problem. This company was key in the battle against the forest fires in Chile last year.

Forest fires are being controlled thanks to AI

Artificial intelligence not only detects the problem, but also provides a solution. Startups as Overstory They collaborate with utility companies to analyze satellite data and identify fire risks near power lines.

Rain works with fire agencies using autonomous drones that locate wildfires before they become uncontrollable. These drones are equipped with thermal cameras and advanced software, allowing fires to be extinguished from the air. Technology is even changing controlled burning practices, vital to keeping forests protected.

Tools are used such as dashboard Burncast of The Nature Conservancy with hyperlocal weather forecasts. With this information these burns can be planned more accurately. Drones powered by artificial intelligence are taking over from manned helicopters, providing a safer and more cost-effective option.

The end of forest fires is a global goal

Global collaboration and technological development go hand in hand to definitively put an end to forest fires. Companies and governments from all over the world are involved in the fight, as well as true giants such as Microsoft, Google y Lockheed Martin. By accelerating efforts and sharing knowledge, they get closer to that ideal that everyone longs for.

The current challenge is to ensure that access to these advanced technologies is viable globally, especially in the south, where AI data and models have to adapt to their landscapes and vulnerabilities. Be that as it may, the fight against forest fires has already entered a new league thanks to advances in technology and artificial intelligence.