The GREEN HYSLAND project aims to use these a hydrogen ecosystem (H2) in Mallorca (Spain), covering the entire value chain. This means that the first H2 hub in South-Western Europe will be located on the island.
Producing green hydrogen
The project will develop the necessary infrastructure for the production of green hydrogen from solar energy and its distribution to end users, such as the island’s tourism, transport, industrial and energy sectors, including injection into the gas network for the generation of heat and green energy at the place of final use.
The project will also develop a 2050 roadmap that sets out a long-term vision for the development of a widespread H2 economy in Mallorca and expandable to the entire Balearic Islands, in line with the environmental goals set by the region for 2050. hydrogen will help increase the penetration of renewable energy sources in the energy system of the Balearic Islandsto the coupling of the electricity and gas sectors, as well as the integration of all energy sectors of the island, towards the complete decarbonization of the regional economy.
GREEN HYSLAND’s deployment will provide Europe with a blueprint for decarbonizing island economies, and an operational example of the contribution of H2 to the energy transition and the achievement of the 2050 zero emissions targets. Business model development and replication is planned in five other EU islands (Madeira – PT, Tenerife – ES, Aran – IE, Greek Islands and Ameland – NL), as well as in Chile and the Netherlands. Morocco.
GREEN HYSLAND Pilot locations
The GREEN HYSLAND activities take place on the island of Mallorca (Spain). He developed H2 ecosystem will include the following facilities:
- Location 1: Green hydrogen production plant from renewable energy (solar PV) in Lloseta.
- Site 2: Fuel cell-based combined heat and power generation system in a municipal building in Lloseta.
- Location 3: H2 injection into the local gas distribution network at Cas Tresorer.
- Site 4: Combined heat and power generation system based on fuel cells in a hotel in the municipality of Palma
- Location 5: Hydrogen filling station (hydrogenera) in the EMT depots in Palma to supply green hydrogen to H2 buses and light fuel cell vehicles.
- Site 6: Fuel cell based heat and power generation system to power a ferry terminal in the Port of Palma.
The deployment of the necessary infrastructure (hydroduct and H2 distribution via trailers) will make this possible interconnection of production and consumption pointsand the integrated operation of the 6 deployment locations.
The project considers the scalability and replicability of this H2 ecosystem on seven islands, five of which belong to the EU, in addition to Chile and Morocco. In addition, the project is developing a long-term roadmap for 2050, in which hydrogen plays a key role decarbonization and the energy transition from Mallorca and the rest of the Balearic Islands.
An example to repeat
Many islands are direct involved as partners in the project GREEN HYSLAND and will participate in a GREEN HYSLAND replicability study adapted to their territories: Madeira, Portugal; Tenerife, Spain; Aran, Ireland; Greek Islands; Ameland, Netherlands; Chiloé Island, Chile; Morocco.
GREEN HYSLAND is much more than a pilot project being implemented in Mallorca. It will also demonstrate the potential that renewable hydrogen currently has decarbonization and economic development of the islands, both in the European Union and in the rest of the world.