“Green Roots” the sustainability project in Piacenza

“GREEN ROOTS” It is an initiative that involves young people from Piacenza and its province, stimulating reflection on climate change and good environmental practices. The project, which includes workshops and practical activities, aims to make Piacenza a more green city, involving students in concrete solutions for the future

The project “Green Roots”

“Green Roots” It is a project that involves the younger generations of Piacenza and the Province, organized by the Social Promotion Association Piacenza Network APS. The proposal is made in collaboration with Airbankwhich will take care of environmental laboratories and other local realities such as Epikurea APS, Radio Telloci, Pkd APS and Eureka Coop. Soc.

The project is part of the context of the announcement “Piacenza 2030 – young future city”, co-financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region and by the National Fund youth policies, with the aim of forming a new generation of aware citizens and engaged in the fight against the climate change.

Airbank’s support and civic commitment

“Green Roots” It represents a unique opportunity for the young people of Piacenza, who will not only acquire awareness of environmental issues but will also have the opportunity to contribute concretely to the creation of a more sustainable city. Airbank, as a strategic partner of the project, will make their expertise available to help participants develop practical and innovative ideas.

Objectives and purposes of the project

The aim is to raise awareness of secondary school students and university students on urgent themes such as climate change and good environmental practices. The main objective of the project is to promote the discovery of concrete solutions to make the city of Piacenza green and more sustainable.

The program of activities

The project kicked off on February 7 with a special event: a conference/entertainment entitled “Global problem”edited by Federico Benuzzi, theoretical physicist, professor and professional juggler. The event, which took place in the Ducal Chapel of Palazzo Farnese, involved 150 students. At the end of the conference, the participants were invited to create digital content (such as Reels, Podcasts and Songs) to express their ideas on how to improve the city.

There will also be practical workshops and proposals for the city

Subsequently, the boys will participate in practical workshops, held by Airbank’s professionals, who will be held the first, on 8 and 15 April in the Holden area aggregative center. During these meetings, the students will work together with the experts to develop solutions that can be made to propose to the municipal administration. The goal is to promote active participation and encourage the adoption of environmental best practices.

Final conference and final event

On April 16, a conference will be held with the psychologist Nicoletta Porcu, who will address the theme of the link between beauty, well -being and respect for the environment. The final event, scheduled for the next few months, will offer the possibility of presenting the projects selected for citizenship and administration, with the performance of rapper Piacenza True Skill, known for his environmental activism.

“Green Roots” the sustainability project in Piacenza