Historical disappointment in Spain: we had the future underground… and we lost it

After approving explorations in Madrid to extract geothermal energy, Spain has experienced a historic energy disappointment. We had the future underground, but it escaped. The past few years have been crucial for the rise of the geothermal energy. It has become an increasingly interesting alternative to production renewable electricity in Spain.

This attraction is mainly due to the variability of geothermal energy, which can be generated in both mountain and coastal areas. Additionally, the cost of implementing the technology has dropped significantly, a feature that has enabled greater consumer adoption.

The geothermal energy comes from the heat generated inside Tierra. This energy can be extracted from underground through geothermal wells that circulate water or steam through a pipe connected to a geothermal power plant.

It can be used to generate electricity, provide heat to buildings and provide thermal energy for various industrial procedures. The use of geothermal energy brings major benefits, such as the ability to generate clean and renewable electricity, in addition to reducing pollution and the advance of climate change.

Another suggestive aspect of geothermal energy is that it is a constant energy source, which means that it is a safe and stable energy source. It is also an affordable energy source as electricity production is low.

Due to its benefits, geothermal energy is quickly becoming a relevant part of electricity generation. renewable electricity in Spain. However, the last thing that happened to her means a deep disappointment for the European country.

Spain relied on this kind of energy, but this news has ruined its plans

A while ago, Repsol took control of a number of prospections that were to be carried out in the Canary Islandsbut now he has abandoned them. Because multi-energy has rejected several areas of research Tenerife last May, the listed company abandoned its plans last month.

In this way he stopped the prospecting project The palmaccording to the announcement issued by the vice president of Canary Islands and advisor to Economy, industry, trade and self-employment, Manuel Domínguez.

Under these conditions, the company led by Josu Jon Imaz is putting aside all initiatives in the archipelago to carry out prospecting to extract energy from underground heat. Carrying out the development of The palmthe economic forecast of Repsol It was 34 million euros.

Moreover, he had received some help from Institute for Energy Diversification and Conservation (IDAE) of about 4 million euros, out of the 15 million it raised for geothermal analyses Tenerife, Madrid and La Palma.

As recorded The Economistmulti-energetics would have rejected the investigation into the networks that had been awarded to the the island of Vulcania due to the delay in permits. This situation has led to Repsol could not meet the deadlines for granting aid. The plan was for the exploratory works to last 16 months and have an impact on the cities of Fuencaliente, Villa de Mazo, Breña Baja and Breña Alta.

Repsol paralyzes one of the most ambitious energy plans in Spain

The call on the island Palma started in 2023, although it suffered several delays due to the warning of the State Attorney that the preparation of maritime networks for conducting investigations was beyond the responsibility of the autonomous community. This made the Government of the Canary Islands withdraw and abolish maritime demarcations.

On the other hand, the General Director of Industry of the Canary Islands, Ana María Zuritahe said earlier elEconomista.es that from their perspective there is no authorization problem. He warned that it is a “resolved” issue because the Managerial Insular, due to the energy emergency, has the ability to create an explicit process by which these authorizations can be granted in a “fairly quick” manner.

Likewise, the head of the Canary Islands energy portfolio said that he hopes that the allocated resources will be granted Repsol for him IDAE can be optimally distributed among the new winners. Spain I had a road map with it Repsol which today is taking a different path, despite the historic disappointment of leaving the oil company. In the meantime, they assure that a European strategy for geothermal energy is urgent.