Infinite energy in a rock? The United States have found the Holy Grail

Energy Infinite in a rock? US He has the Holy grail. A news that has just as much influence on this golden source that offers millennia energy. The rise of global warming and climate change led the world to a moment of crisis.

Places that were previously real natural countries nowadays are completely destroyed or destroyed by extreme natural phenomena. The origin of the problem is the worsened use that man has made fossil fuels.

Although they have shown their potential for decades, humanity has to say goodbye because of the high environmental footprint. Instead of new forms of energy To provide the world, even in inhospitable corners.

United States finds energy between rocks

A scientific finding of the prestigious Massachusetts Technology Institute (MIT) He has focused on a new energy source. According to the Gallic media Video gamesHis study is based on the extraction of hydrogen from the rocks.

The research, led by the teacher Iwnetim disposalIs on a hydrogen extraction procedure of the rocks using an electrochemical system of carbon dioxide reduction. With this method it is intended to reach the underground synthesis of hydrogen.

It is still a project in development, but shows great possibilities. The work is done with a flexible carbon -based material that would be worth a dollar.

For this initiative to deposit the newspaper, the Ministry of Energy of the United States He has derived $ 3 million from this important study into the type of hydrogen that the rocks would leave.

Not only would we be confronted with a infinite, clean and renewable energyBut the rich would also be rich in white hydrogen. This makes the project even more interesting. It is not hydrogen. There are even those who doubted that it really existed to the Canadian company Hydroma He confirmed his truthfulness in 2012.

In general, white hydrogen is distinguished from other types of hydrogen in which it records a lower amount of carbon dioxide, so it needs more moderate treatment for use.

France and the United States, united by white hydrogen

After this line, a group of French scientists found huge white hydrogen deposits underground at a location near the border of Franco-German. It was on the rocky floor of LorenaA mining area.

This team made a small probe through a drill of just over 800 meters in the cortex of the Tierra. Then a finding appeared in the water table that would be news: bubbles that suggested the presence of white hydrogen.

The scientists thought that between 46 and 260 million tonnes of natural hydrogen could be hidden under coal mines.

White hydrogen, the energy that changes the direction of the United States and France

This context places the only type of hydrogen created naturally in the middle of the energy scene, the only type of hydrogen. The possibility of one Holy grail from the Clean energy It represents a touch of hope for those regions that are dedicated to the environment.

The scientific progress that circulates around natural hydrogen are hopeful for the future, with a controlled extraction and an optimized costs.

Energy Infinite in a rock? US could and France They had the Holy grail. A grail of which those who also speak about this my knowledge, who “save” humanity. After years dedicated to fossil fuels, humanity could forever be undone by pollution. The possibility is now being investigated.