International Sloth Day 2024

He International Sloth Day It is celebrated every year on the third Saturday of October to raise awareness about the problems affecting the sloth’s natural habitat, its lifestyle and the dangers that threaten it.

Sloths are vital to the ecosystems that form their habitat. They are solitary animals native to humid forests and South and Central America Natural enemies include eagles, jaguars and snakes.

The greatest danger that this animal faces is humans, because the deforestation of the jungles and the degradation of the swamps limits their habitats.. Furthermore, they are victims of poaching and illegal trade in species. For every ten sloths captured, eight to nine die before reaching their destination. victims of animal abuse.

It is essential to raise awareness around the world about the vulnerability of these very special mammals. of whom are they victims? poaching to be raised as a pet. They are victims of traffic accidents. And their habitat is running out due to deforestation. And neither they nor any other animal deserves to disappear because they have such bad neighbors on this planet.

Today we are going to learn some of the most unique features of these mammals. Of which there are only two types (two- and three-fingered) in the nature. And they are only found in some tropical areas of America and Asia.



The sloth moves at a speed of about 4 meters per minute. This corresponds to a speed of 0.24 km/h. While a turtle moves at an average speed of 0.25 km/h. So yes, they are slower than a turtle.


If the sloth is so slow, it is because it feeds mainly on leaves that have little nutritional value. This forces you to save energy. Especially because the leaves in its environment are difficult to digest. One bite can take almost a month to complete the entire digestive process. That’s why he only relieves himself once a week. And he never drinks water.

A high life

For the tree-dwelling sloth, going to the ground to defecate involves significant effort and risk. Firstly, because it is even slower and clumsier on the ground than in the trees, where its fur helps it camouflage itself.

Therefore, it is easy prey for its natural enemies, such as the jaguar. Plus, you lose almost a third of your body weight every time you empty your bowels. Until he eats again, he may develop heart problems.

An experienced swimmer

In water it can move up to three times faster than on land. That’s not much compared to other animals. But it’s for him. That he prefers to use this method to get around rather than to walk. Additionally, you can hold your breath for up to forty minutes, which helps control your metabolism and lower your heart rate to a third of its normal rate.


Its fur contains green algae that it feeds on by licking it. It also provides an ideal habitat for fungi and many insects, such as beetles and butterflies, allowing it to escape from birds. And they serve to make your camouflage even more convincing.


The sloth has an extra vertebra in its neck. This allows him to turn his head 270°, which is 150° more than humans. And although today its size does not exceed 75 cm, it has a huge ancestor. It was called Megatherium and was larger than a modern Asian elephant.