Iran point to Room And he accuses her to take over Mediterranean. In 2024, Room It achieved an important milestone in generating renewable energy, with a total of 148 979 GWH, which represents a growth of 10.3% that compares it with the previous year. This increase is generally due to the use of new photovoltaic and winding projects, in addition to the recovery of the rains.
The latter has been a point that played for hydraulic production. According to the quarterly report of the Forosella Observatory for Renewable Energyperformed by Enter 360This increase made it possible for more than half of the electricity produced in the country to have its origins in renewable sources.
Through zones are the autonomous communities that have emphasized the most in the generation of renewable energy, given the context Castilla y León, Andalucía, Castilla-La Mancha, Galicia and Extremadura.

Together they provided 82.1% of green energy in the European country. Special, Castilla-La Mancha Head with photovoltaic production with 10 821 GWH, while Castilla Y León He was primarily in the field of wind generation with 12 515 GWH.
Iran asks to pay attention to Spain: he accuses her to want to keep the Mediterranean Sea
An Iranian study has succeeded in supporting that principle and stipulates that it can rise in the next 25 years. Science Direct He has regularly collected the analysis of a group of scientists about the production of solar energy from 2010 to 2020, with the aim of improving energy and developing energy breach.
In the Iranian study, the system created artificial intelligence, based on the Convoltionary Neuronal Network (CNN) to predict solar production in countries of the countries of the Mediterranean. This procedure was made for the processing of image data or structured data series, such as climatic maps.
The refuge in this model made the integration of climate data in real time and improving accuracy in considering factors such as modifications in solar radiation and extreme meteorological phenomena.
For this reason, the growth of production reflected in the period of research, in various analyzed countries, the existence of an increase in infrastructure, technological progress and government support. While these statements are made, Spain continues in its time and points to the future with the use of Kwantum Solar Energy.
They accuse Spain of taking over the entire Mediterranean: Iran is clear
Performed by the University of TehranThe research revealed that Spain has succeeded in leading the solar production with 42 547 680 WH. They follow with an important distance France With 28.150.200 Wh, and then Türkiye, Greece and Egypt.
In order to continue to analyze the global situation, scientists have tried to apply the CNN model Midden -East y US. However, they believe that it is not as easy as in Mediterranean countries.
The countries of Midden -East They register some of the highest solar radiation mirrors and, as in the MediterraneanInvest strategic in solar energy. Nevertheless, performance does not agree with the extreme conditions of dust and heat, which can lower the efficiency of solar panels and therefore be able to make predictions more difficult.
On the other hand, in USin the southwest, in the states of Arizona, Nevada y California A very high solar power is noticed. According to the study, technology and network integration are more advanced, in addition to storage systems. The return of Donald Trump to the power of US It can change things a lot, so the sector remains alert.
Spain has the opportunity to get the Mediterranean Sea: I will call it suspicious
So things, Iran has brought an extremely interesting path to Room As leader of the solar energy of the Mediterranean. The use of AI in the CNN model also agrees with the possibility of adapting to the adjustments, which improves this leadership.
In this context, the world awaits this 2025 for future measures after the withdrawal of large energy tax. In this way, Iran point to Room And he accuses her of wanting to take over the whole Mediterranean. At the same time, they discover a new source of unlimited energy that is found in the air and left in Spain.