Loose Living beings are designed for interaction and not only relate to the inert environment, but also to the rest of the living beings around them. That is why we can distinguish different types of relationships between species that can affect positively or negatively in their life cycles.
When We are talking about mutualism, we refer to a dependency relationship between species where there is a mutual profit. The benefits of each partner are higher than the costs that the association could cause.
Interaction between ants and caterpillars
Weld Cupers (Butterflies larvae) of some families developed a fairly specific interaction with ants. One of those families (Riodinidae) has two species that only interact with two types of ants.

And Un Studice Published and La Magazine Insect Science, researchers from Brazil linked to Las Universities of São Paulo (USP), Federal of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) Y federal de Alagoas (Ufal) Muestran Die Dicha interaction It is quite specific: Each caterpillar works only with a kind of ant. The aforementioned work was supported by the Fapesp.
Within the framework of an experiment, When the couples of the types of caterpillars and ants were changed, the latter attacked and killed the butterfly larvae. And this happened even when the caterpillars used specific organs and separated a sugary liquid so that the ants tolerate them.
The researchers They also compared the so -called hydrocarbons, chemicals that form the outer layer (cuticle) of ants and caterpillarsAnd found a big difference between them.
‘We’ve seen that Hydrocarbons, the substances that make up the cuticle, the outer layer of insects and plants, are not comparable to each otherBut in the caterpillar they identify a food on ants. The Butterflies Larvae sacrifice Sugary Secretion, which Causes the Ants of a Certain Species to Recognize Them and Protect Them, ”Explains Luan Dias Lima, Principal Author of the Study, Carried Out Part of Its Postdoctorality of Philosophy or Philosophy or Philosophy or Philosophy or Philosophy or Philoses or Philoses and Philosecs or Philoses or Philoses or Philoses or Philosives or Philosence of Philosives or Philosence of Philosives or Philosence of Philosence or Philosence of Philosives or Philosence of Philosives São Paulo (FFCLRP-SPENP), with the support of the fapesp.
In an earlier job, the group of authors had shown that other species interact with ants They can use a different strategy for mutualismHide in front of the ants when they stay with the same scent as those of the plant where they live (read more on: desk.fapesp.Br/34804).
The current study integrates the project entitled “The evolution of plasticity and dimorphism between cupboards in insect associations”, Supported by the Fapesp and coordinated by Fáio Santos do Nascimento, teacher of the FFCLRP-SPENP. Another author, Diego Santana Assis, had a doctoral fair of the Paulista Foundation in the same institution.
Experiment with different caterpillars
In the experiment, the researchers of the Judithha Molpe species, who lives in harmony with the ants of the sort of dolichoderus Bispinosus, and Nymphidium Chione, which are only found where Biconstricta Pheidole are ants. The caterpillars They were gathered at the Ecological Station Serra Das Araras, in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso.
In a group, lThe researchers only put the caterpillars on a different plant, but keep them with the same kind of ants. In the meantime, the couples were changed to the other group: they put Judithha Molpe with the Biconstricta Pheidole ants and the Nymphidium Chione with the Dolichoderus Bispinosus ants. All combinations were always in the same plant genre (Inga SPP.).
In the first group, The interaction was the same as in the previous plant, with the couples in harmonic interaction. The ants feel with their antennas to the caterpillars until they touch two openings in which they have specific organs for communication between caterpillars and ants. The caterpillars then separate a sugar -like liquid that consume the ants and start protecting them immediately.
However, With different ants, the result was unfavorable for caterpillars. In this context, the ants initially ignored the caterpillars until they found the opening of one of the organs specialized in the secretion of the sugary liquid. After touching that point with their antennas, the caterpillars separated the nectar, which calmed the ants.
But this took little. It was left without an effect when the caterpillars could no longer produce that liquid, which was exhausted, or when the Ants touched the area on the other exclusive body for interaction with ants, That did not move. After they had inspected the caterpillars a little more, the ants began to show aggressive behavior: they opened their jaws and bit them.
“Las Als killed almost all caterpillars during this change treatment of these couples. The welding of the type P. Biconstricta even used their robust jaws to cut the J. Molpe into pieces, “says Lima.
The researcher Remember that the importance of finding the right pair is so great for caterpillars That adult females only put their eggs in the same plant species as they live the species specific ant.
“Wheno Making eggs coming out, ants protect caterpillars against the predation of other animals. Without them they die early, “he says.
Loose Researchers now intend to know whether small amounts of hydrocarbons also decrease The attacks of other natural enemies, such as predators and parasitoids that also use chemical instructions for the location of dams and hosts.