‘Labmar’ project: protection of the Atlantic Islands National Park

From the government of Galicia they stand out as a «model initiative» the ‘Labmar’ project. Its objective is the protection of the terrestrial and marine ecosystems of the Atlantic Islands National Park.

The territorial delegate of the Xunta de Galicia in Vigo, Ana Ortiz, recently participated in the presentation of the Labmar project promoted by the Foundation for Fishing and Seafood (Fundamar), the Amicos Association and the National Federation of Brotherhoods with the aim of creating a participatory laboratory aimed at the prevention and recovery of marine litter.

Labmar ecosystem protection project

During the event held at the headquarters of the Atlantic Islands Maritime-Terrestrial National Park, the regional representative highlighted the initiative as a “model initiative” for the protection of the archipelago ecosystem. “It is our duty to protect and conserve our islands and here we have the best tools and the right actors to achieve that goal,” he said.

Secondly, those responsible for the initiative explained, geographic area of ​​the project will include the regions of Galicia and Andalusiamore specifically, in the marine environment areas corresponding to the Maritime-Terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia, the Corrubedo Natural Park, the O Grove Intertidal Complex, the Doñana National Park, the Odiel marshes, the lagoons of Palos and Las Madres, the marshes of Río Piedras and El Rompido, the Enebrales of Punta Umbría and the marshes of Isla Christina.

During the 18 months that the project will last, it will seek not only reduce marine litter, but also encourage collaboration between the fishing and shellfish sector and other business and social sectors, promote innovation and the creation of inclusive employment and contribute to the development of a circular and blue economy.

The activist and environmental agent of Amicos, Adriana Miguéns, was in charge of presenting the project, as well as the objectives and first steps being taken under the program. Through his experience, he gave the attendees a brief summary of what is expected to be achieved within the framework of the initiative.

Next, the president of Fundamar, Javier Touza, was in charge of opening the interventions of the project partners. Touza spoke of the importance of awareness and transformation as key pillars for the socioeconomic development of fishing and shellfishing.

For their part, the director of Projects and Innovation of the National Federation of Fishermen’s Guilds, Fabián Ben, and technician Elsa Picón highlighted the role of the brotherhoods in the project; who were followed by the person responsible for Alliances with People and Companies at Amicos, Miguel Beiro, who referred to inclusion as a transversal axis of Lab-Mar. Joint work to protect and conserve the marine ecosystems of Galicia and Andalusia, with the aim of ensuring the provision of ecosystem servicesboost the blue economy and reduce marine pollution.

He ‘Labmar’ project is an initiative of Fundamar, Amicos and the National Federation of Fishing Guilds to promote the blue economy and reduce marine pollution in the Atlantic island area.