Less speed and boat noise in the Freu Marine Reserve of SA Dragonera (Balearic Islands)

Nautical motor activity has been expanded in recent years, which contributes to certain areas to the Relegation of marine ecosystems and reserves in the Mediterranean. The massification of hunting and motor boats (especially summer months) in spaces of high ecological value remains a very important negative impact on the biodiversity of marine.

The effects of the anchor and anchoring on the meadows of Posidonia and other marine phaneraglants or that derived from polluting emissions, hydrocarbons or waste water, etc. are well documented. However, other effects remain, despite being considerable, are underestimated. This is, for example, the case of the Ruis generated by this type of water vehicles.

Protect the ecosystems for marine noise

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural, already through the general directorate of fishing The Andratx city council has regulated the speed of boats for the first time In the marine reserve of the Freu of his wearer.

And has determined that from now on you can navigate at a maximum speed of 10 knots. The minister Joan Simonet has assured that «this measure will mainly contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and marine resourcesthat will favor the traditional fishermen sector and economic activities with regard to fish observation ».

The order with which the speed of barrels is regulated, which It was published yesterday in the Official Gazette of the Balearian Islands (Boib)Also establishes a high protection zone, located in this marine reserve, around the islands of Es Calafats.

In fact, this reservation was the only one of the Balearic Islands Objective not to favor -extractive economic activities that are linked to marine resources.

Noise of noise is disastrous for marine reserves

According to maritime fisherman instructions and aquaculture instructions from the Balearic Islands, any activity that takes place in marine reserves and that can influence the living marine resources can be regulated. In that sense, the director -general of the fishing, Antoni M. Grau, explained that «It has been shown that the underwater sound of human origin has harmful effects on the biodiversity of marine.

That is why it is necessary that in Zones with great biological value are taken to mitigate it». In addition, Grau added: “In high maritime traffic areas, as is the case of the Freu de Sa Dragonera, the sound is closely linked to the speed of vessels and to reduce it, it is essential to regulate the navigation speed.”

Weld Marine reserves are marine areas where the exploitation of living marine means is limited To increase the re -population of Fry and to stimulate the proliferation of the object of the marine species or to protect ecosystems with differentiated ecological characteristics.

Moreover, Grau has noticed: “They are one Fishing Management Tool to restore commercial fish populationsAs well as to preserve natural natural habitats and to help professional fish with small art ».