Navarra Environment Guards: More than 7000 annual telephone consultations

Los Environmental guards in Navarra has legally entrusted the functions of surveillance, protection and custody of public lands and goods where they develop their work: hydrographic basins, demarcations and provincial services of coasts, centers and farms of the State and national parks not transferred and the marine environment.

They usually work both in the field and in an office and are professionals specialists in their region or destination zonethat know in detail the main interactions between human being and nature. And that of all beings living in their work environment.

Telephone assistance of the Environment Guards

The Nursery staff, only through the CMA (Central de Middle Environment), have processed in its second year of activity, Between March 1, 2024 and March 1, 2025, more than 7,000 environmental consultationswhich represents a 19% increase with respect to the previous year.

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This new service launched by Basozainak/Speal of Environment, arose with the aim of offering a treatment closer to citizens and to meet those demandsday -to -day incidents or incidents in a more agile way.

This way, The Central, attended by 8 Guards 365 days a year, from 8 in the morning to 10 from the NochE, responds to all doubts related to topics competence of the General Directorate of the Environment, from knowing whether or not you can make a barbecue, how to change the use that is given to a plot of your property, where to obtain the hunting license or what to do with an injured animal.

Although the consultation can also be transferred via WhatsApp (in the same number 646 59 49 48) or email ([email protected]), Personalized treatment by telephone is the most demanded way by citizens, with 90% of cases.

According to the Minister of Rural Development and Environment, José Mari Aierdi, “this service continues to grow to become a reference for communication and processing of environmental efforts. With the Environment Central Our Nursery aims to improve attention to citizens, responding to their needs and those of the natural environment and in a closer way. ”

Aierdi has extended this close work of the CMA to which the and guard In their respective demarcations: “The Environment Central responds to the specific needs of citizens and somehow complete they work in rural areas and people who visit natural spaces”.

This has been pointed out this Friday, within the framework of the annual day held by Basozainak/Aguirío de Midor and in which the guard to take stock of your activity and discuss new initiatives. This year they have been discussed, among other issues, Advances in the recently created nursery drones group, participation in the compass project, which aims to contribute to the implementation and modernization of the combined practice of prescribed burning and environmental grazing with extensive livestock and, finally, the help provided following the floods that occurred in Valencia in October 2024.

Videos: ‘Church Memories’

This year’s day has also served to present a series of videos under the title “Murse Memories” and that they collect precisely, The direct contact of the guards with the natural environment and also with citizens as one of the strengths of the service.

The series is composed of 4 videos focused on: women guards, Sustainable forest management, environmental pedagogy and special places.

As explained by the Director of the Aguirío Service, Gloria Giralda, “the videos try to show the care of the guard In their work, the attention they pay in the mountain before the citizenship requirements, as well as the work provided in situ both care and informative and focused on biodiversity carethe management of natural spaces and all those that develop activities in the rural environment, whether visitors, inhabitants of the rural environment, mountaineers, hunters, livestock and farmers, local or agrotouristic agents, municipalities or forestry companies ”.

He BASOZAINAKE PERSONNEL/ENVIRONMENT SAVER. Of these, two demarcations are transversal, that is, they cover the entire territory of Navarra and are the Environment Central and the transverse demarcation, which encompasses the Gian (intervention group in Navarra height) and the GEA (group of aquatic ecosystems).

He rest of guards form stable work teams with headquarters In Bértiz (Bidasoa Demarcation), Irurtzun (Sakana-Mindiarda Demarcation), Pamplona / Iruña (Pamplona Demarcation), Zubiri (Demarcation of Aezkoa-Quequinto Real), Aoiz / Aplear (Demarcation of Aoiz), Iciz / Izize (Demarcation of Roncal-Salazar), Estella-Lizarra (Demarcations of Estella 1 and Estella 2), Tafalla (Tafalla Demarcation) and Tudela (Demarcation of Tudela).