Neither green nor blue, but yellow hydrogen: they will produce it in the most special place on earth

A project seems to be emerging in the middle of the energy transition yellow hydrogen (which has a number of differences from green hydrogen) in the most unusual place on earth. Recent years have been characterized by the emergence of new forms of energy and fuel, with hydrogen being one of the most considered options. As a fuel, it helps create net zero because it emits no carbon when burned. Moreover, it offers a clean alternative to fossil fuels for energy production and heating.

It is a particularly attractive alternative for the most complex decarbonization sectors, where fossil fuel replacements are scarce. H’s high energy density represents a huge advance toward replacing coal with greener steel production.

Several sectors, including the transport sector (one of the most polluting) already seem ready to implement H in the areas of heavy transport, maritime transport and aviation. Wooden Mackenzie warns that global demand for H will increase two to six times between 2022 and 2050. Under these circumstances, an initiative seems to be emerging that no one saw coming, but that could contribute to the energy transition.

They are trying to produce yellow hydrogen in the most unusual place on Earth

USA tries to produce yellow hydrogen. We could be faced with a revolutionary invention that will copy the world, as happened with red, which continues to evolve Japan. He yellow hydrogen is commonly known as photochemical hydrogen and takes place via a photocatalysis water splitting reaction.

The basic principle is to limit the number of responses, using solar energy and technical catalysts to separate water molecules into H and oxygen. He yellow hydrogen It differs from other forms of hydrogen production in that it does not use fossil energy and the climate is not negatively affected by greenhouse gas emissions. It is similar to orange H, but is not dependent on wastewater.


The production of yellow hydrogen It is done in the following way. The first step uses semiconductor photocatalysts and sunlight to split water from hydrogen and oxygen. So far it is a process similar to the electrolysis used to generate green or blue H. The photocatalysts used in this process include semiconductor materials such as titanium dioxide or cadmium sulfide. They are materials that capture and use sunlight, enabling the water splitting process on the surface of the catalyst.

As recorded Meteorized“Hydrogen is accumulated and purified and then used as fuel or for other purposes. Oxygen, produced as a byproduct of the reaction, is released into the atmosphere.” When we talk about the ‘most unusual place’ in this context, we mean the atmosphere, because of the rays of the Sol that penetrate and produce photovoltaic energy.

The United States is going for yellow hydrogen

He National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is working on the splitting of water using photocatalysis and has created several prototype systems to convert yellow H. De University of Colorado Boulder develops a new photocatalyst material that is more efficient and economical than current materials.

On the other hand, the University of California at Berkeley conducts research in the field of artificial photosynthesis, with the aim of producing yellow hydrogen and other valuable substances. In fact, some US states harbor great opportunities for the development of yellow H.

An example is Texasa state that already has a fairly advanced developed hydrogen and solar energy production sector. Arizona and, in particular, New Mexicoare considered areas of high potential for yellow hydrogen due to the large amount of land available and high levels of solar radiation. It should be noted that although the yellow hydrogen It’s a great option, it has a problem that worries many experts.