Net Zero Tech 2025, the Basque Country’s energy cluster, is included

The stock exchange Net Zero Tech 2025 takes place at La Farga, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), between June 4 and 5. And he shall be numbered among his own Advisory Committee for the Basque Country Energy Cluster.

Net Zero Tech 2025 is the event specialized in decarbonization and energy transition, which brings together the main players in the energy sector and covers crucial topics such as energy efficiency, electrification with renewable energieshydrogen and biomethane.

In addition to a key role in the Advisory Committee, the Energy Cluster will organize a round table during the fair, in which the challenges and opportunities of the Basque energy sector in the context of the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Net Zero Tech 2025 and the Basque Country energy cluster

José Ignacio Hormaeche, General Manager of the Energy Cluster, said: “We are very pleased to join the Advisory Committee of Net Zero Tech 2025. The fair is an essential forum for exchanging knowledge and practical experiences industry decarbonization solutionsand therefore our participation in the event will give visibility to the capabilities of the Basque industrial fabric in terms of decarbonization and its commitment to the energy transition.”

“It is an honor to have the Basque Energy Cluster on the Net Zero Tech 2025 Advisory Committee. Their experience and leadership in the energy transition will be crucial in enriching the content of the event. We are convinced that your participation will contribute significantly to this promotes innovative and sustainable solutions in this edition“, explains Eugenio Pérez de Lema, general director of the fair.

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The Basque Country Energy Cluster, founded in 1996, integrates more than 200 companies and entities in the energy sector, including large companies, innovative SMEs and agents of the Basque Network for Science, Technology and Innovation. Its mission is to promote the competitiveness of the energy sector through cooperationwith a clear vision on consolidating its global positioning in the energy transition.

On this occasion and through its participation in the Net Zero Tech 2025 Advisory Committee, the Cluster confirms its important role as a catalyst of opportunity for the world. technological and industrial framework of the Basque Country.