OK to re-establish the ‘National Energy Commission’ to decarbonize the economy

Okay to reset the ‘National Energy Commission‘, Unpleasant decarbonize the economy: the Council of Ministers, at the request of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business, approved the bill for the rehabilitation of the National Energy Commission (CNE).which will be sent to the Congress of Deputies to continue its processing as a bill.

In this process of energy transition An adequate and flexible governance structure is needed, which makes it possible to strengthen and at the same time facilitate the proper functioning of the market and consumer protection decarbonization and designing new markets (such as hydrogen), which contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the economy.

The reinstatement of the National Energy Commission (CNE) will strengthen the regulator’s institutional capacity at a key moment for the energy transitionin response to the growing need for specialization and efficiency resulting from the new energy and regulatory paradigm. The government is fulfilling its promise to restore the institutional architecture of the specialized energy regulator, which existed in Spain until 2013 and is present in most countries around us.

Goal: Decarbonize the economy

According to the regulatory project The National Energy Commission (CNE) will pursue the following objectivesin the electricity, liquid hydrocarbons and natural gas sectors, to which the hydrogen and other renewable gases:

  • The decarbonizing the economyin which the objectives of energy transition adopted by Spain in the context of the EU and the international arena.
  • Consumer protection.
  • Transparency, efficiency and the correct functioning of energy markets and sectors.

The National Energy Commission (CNE) will perform the following functions:

  • General functions: control, supervision and arbitration; reporting as an advisory and supervisory body; technical cooperation with the ministries that need it.
  • Sectoral functions: regulation through circulars on the various aspects related to transport, distribution and access in the natural gas and electricity sectors; implementation and monitoring of compliance with regulations and protocols in the above sectors; consumer protection.
  • Functions related to taking interests in the energy sector: You will learn about operations to take stakes in companies that are considered regulated or companies that have strategic assets.
  • Functions related to resolving conflicts between market participants related to the sectors subject to regulation and supervision.

National Energy Commission (CNE), government agencies

The National Energy Commission (CNE) as administrative bodies the Presidency and the Councilconsisting of nine council members. The structure at the level of the general directorates must be regulated by an organic statute that will be approved by Royal Decree.

The regulatory project configures the CNE as a public law entity at the state levelwith its own legal personality and full public and private capacity, with external functions over specific economic sectors or activities, with organic and functional autonomy, and with full independence from government, public administration and the market, but subject to parliamentary and judicial control .