One of Spain’s eight wonders of hydrogen, this region has had energy for thousands of years

One of the Eight wonders of hydrogen arrives in a region of Spain. Stores energy for thousands of years. It arrives just after the legendary brand that opens the hydrogen era. The European country wants to become one of the great leaders of the transition to green H with revolutionary projects. In September, BP announced the construction of the largest hydrogen factory. Chinese investors are investing in Spanish soil with various facilities and high expectations.

The green H is no longer a desire to take shape and be part of it Spain. Faced with this situation, the Spanish Electrical Network (REE) wants to organize access to electricity demand efficiently. It has several key points called ‘nodes’ to distribute and organize energy demand. As new forms of energy are introduced (such as green H) or the expansion of electric car charging points increases, capacity starts to become insufficient. For this reason, tenders are opened for new projects to request access and connection to the network.

Green H requires constant use of the electricity grid due to electrolysis. The Spanish ambition to become a major producer of “green” H, considered a key aspect of the transition, is more real than ever thanks to the State aid granted, as approved by the Competence of the European Commission of 1,200 million euros. The aid will arrive before the end of 2025 through a competitive bidding system.

Spain, the Hydrogen Reserve: this is the most studied area in the country

On the other hand, the Basque Hydrogen Corridor (BH2C) does not stop gaining fame. It is the only Spanish valley that is among the 8 best in the world. Clean Hydrogen Mission (CHM) It is a proposal that aims to catalyze investments in research, development and innovation so that clean energy becomes attractive and has access to it for all.

He Basque hydrogen corridor has been chosen by the CHM as one of 8 examples of Hydrogen Valleys of the World. It is the only one on Spanish territory and together with another United Kingdomare the only ones Europe. They are placed at the height of valleys Canada, Chile, Australia, Japan or Saudi Arabia. Your example has already been published in Innovation of public missions in a sheet with details about the projects BH2C.

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It should be noted that BH2C It has been chosen as an example of best practice between regions at a global level. Clean hydrogen mission This is a global initiative that, in addition to the above objectives, aims to reduce hydrogen costs by 2030, support H technology in the value chain, develop an environment suitable for the adoption of clean H and become a resource for the transfer of disclosure practices.

Hydrogen makes history in Spain: they recognize the work of the European country at a global level

In February 2022, the Basque hydrogen corridor with a clear goal: to create an ecosystem of hydrogenbased on Basque Countrywhich would accelerate the decarbonization of the energy, industrial, residential and mobility sectors. The Basque center is a proposal promoted by Petronor j Repsoltogether with 7 other institutions, 14 knowledge centers and business associations and 50 companies, together accounting for 71 organizations.

This recognition goes hand in hand with the current production target European Union to reach 10 million tons per year hydrogen green in 2030. One of the Eight wonders of hydrogen is inside Spaintransporting Europe off the coast of Australia, where a mysterious Japanese project is transforming rocks into hydrogen.