These are the 15 sunniest places on the planet: if you are a tourist and you are looking for the sun, this will interest you

Lugares más soleados del mundo

These sunniest places throughout the year they are the best indicator for those travelers (or future residents) in search of eternal summer, a double-edged sword that, although it assures us of warm experiences, also drags with it all those “cons” of the desert, arid areas. and the wastelands that seem to have no end. This … Read more

56 projects will receive aid from MITECO for the forest bioeconomy in 47 provinces

bioeconomía forestal MITECO

The Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO)in collaboration with the General Secretariat of Demographic Challenge, has resolved the call for aid to promote the forest bioeconomy and the contribution to the ecological transition corresponding to 2023, with the selection of 56 projects from among the 163 candidates … Read more

Meeting between representatives of defense groups of the Mar Menor and the Environment Minister of the Region of Murcia

Mar Menor Región de Murcia

First meeting between the representatives of defense groups of the Mar Menor and the Minister of the EnvironmentUniversities, Research and Mar Menor, and his team, made up of the Secretary General, Enrique Ujaldón, the Autonomous Secretary of Energy, Sustainability and Climate Action, María Cruz Ferreira, and the General Director of Mar Menor, Víctor R. Serrano. … Read more

The definitive solution to benefit from solar energy without panels: more than 65% of Spaniards could now benefit from it

energía solar

Spanish society has numerous people who are willing to contribute to the care of the environment, one of the most common ways is to use solar energy in its favor, which significantly reduces electricity consumption and is a great alternative to using your own energy, reducing the consumption of government-supplied electricity. Self-consumption without panels is … Read more

President Von der Leyen’s ‘occurrences’ on pesticides

plaguicidas Von der Leyen

Phytosanitary products are basically pesticides which are mainly used to increase crop production and prevent them from being destroyed by diseases. They include herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, acaricides, plant growth regulators and repellents, that’s the theory. The reality is that the use of pesticides It is a threat to biodiversity, water and health, something that people … Read more

The renewable megapark with which Spain has an impact on Europe: it floats on water and will triple the continent’s energy

megaparque sustentable

An important project related to a mega park renewable It is the solution that has come to the country through a renowned company from Spain specialized in the search for fast and comprehensive energy solutions, making the most of photovoltaic energy and its many benefits. It has high-end technology that is expected to triple the … Read more

Finland lives in the 22nd century: the first solar oven in history that prepares food at home without using electricity

Finland lives in the 22nd century: the first solar oven in history that prepares food at home without using electricity

Once again, the Finnish nation surprised the European Union with its revolutionary inventions that have a beneficial impact on improving energy consumption and reducing climate change. Now all the details of the first solar ovensuitable for home use without a touch of electricity. Finland, the country where sustainability is the official religion; and his god, … Read more

The sea that we have been using since the Romans and that Spain wants to make sustainable: the UN and the EU, impacted and willing to finance it


Spain is one of the European countries that every day chooses to increase the percentage of projects related to renewable and sustainable energy, this in order become one of the greenest and most sustainable nations in the long term. This has caused the country to constantly look for ways to optimize energy while benefiting the … Read more

The largest alliance in the history of Spain: thousands of homes come together to benefit from this energy, and there is room for yours

energía, comunidades solares

Following the sharp increases in electricity bills seen in much of Spain in recent years, more and more people are looking to reduce electricity costs. energy opting for a more stable and ecological exit, in addition to seeking a level of security in the face of the instability that the market has offered in recent … Read more