This is how the emergency declaration in Catalonia is going to affect you: forget about turning on the tap for all these things

Cataluna emergencia sequia

The alarm has been raised in Catalonia. More than 200 municipalities in the area are in a situation of emergency due to drought. There are strong water restrictions! The drop of more than 16% of the system’s water reserves Ter-Llobregat has led to Govern to expand the state of emergency to 202 municipalities in the … Read more

“Camemoro and climate change: the transformation of the Arctic due to global warming” – Il Giornale dell’Ambiente

"Camemoro and climate change: the transformation of the Arctic due to global warming" - Il Giornale dell'Ambiente

THE Arctic, a unique and sensitive natural environment, is undergoing significant changes due to global warming. THE RECENT DISCOVERY OF ROOMBERRIES BEE SVALBARDEN ISLANDS REVEALS AN UNUSUAL ASPECT OF THE ARCTIC FLORA, AND HIGHLIGHTS THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON THIS ECOSYSTEMa Arctic flora in evolution The Arctic tundra, characterized by low-growing vegetation, transforms due … Read more

XVI edition of the Frontiers of Knowledge Award: awarded for documenting and quantifying the magnitude of the Sixth Great Extinction

Sexta Gran Extinción

Scientists believe we are going through it Sixth Great Extinction. a mass extinction It is a short geological period during which a high percentage of biodiversity or several species (bacteria, fungi, plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates) become extinct. It is important to note that in geological time a ‘short’ period can span thousands … Read more

The hospitals of San Juan de Dios choose solar energy

energía solar

The Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God plans to reach an installed capacity of 4,350 kW of electricity generation by 2025 solar energy thanks to the installation of 8,000 photovoltaic panels in its hospitals from all over Spain. This is reflected in the energy sustainability strategy, in which, in addition to reduction actions, generation … Read more

Renewable energies: holding fair transition competitions in Andalusia, Asturias and Galicia

transición justa 

He Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO)through the Institute for the Just Transition (ITJ)progress in the holding fair transition competitions in the autonomous communities of Andalusia, Asturias and Galiciato grant access rights to the electricity grid to projects of renewable energy carried out in areas related to the closure of coal-fired … Read more

Deployment of hydrogen in Spain is slowing down: this is the problem that could bring everything down

Hidrogeno Espana

Spain focuses heavily on the projects of hydrogen, but it faces a strong threat: water scarcity. 46% of the proposals on the table could be affected by this problem. Water vulnerability is not a minor complication and has become a major challenge for its deployment hydrogen. According to the warning of the International Renewable Energy … Read more

World Wetlands Day 2024

Día Mundial de los Humedales 2024

He World Wetlands Day 2024 It is celebrated once again today, February 2. A date of great importance when it comes to raising awareness in the world about how fundamental the restoration, protection and preservation of these ecosystemsfor the health of the global environment and the beings that inhabit it. Why is World Wetlands Day … Read more