Plan the prevention of fires with altofonte together

The project “Guardians and territory” He developed guidelines for territorial planning in the community of Altofonte, in the province of Palermo, aimed at preventing forest fires. In collaboration with local and academic authorities, the guidelines offer practical and participatory solutions for the sustainable management of the territory

The aim of the project

The project “Guardians and territory” It stems from the growing need to experience the risks related to forest fires in Sicily. With the support of the foundation Sicily Environmental Fund And the active involvement of the community of Altofonte, the project aims to draw up a prevention plan through a participatory process involving citizens, experts and institutions.

The involvement of citizens and territorial planning

In Sicily, the growing number of fires, leaving agricultural land and the loss of traditional knowledge and good practices in the management of the territory are factors that contribute to feeding the risk of burning with serious consequences and consequences for human activities and preservation From nature and biodiversity. In response to this threat, the project was the community of Altofonte, seriously affected by firework from 2020 and 2023, with purposes that are primarily aimed at the prevention of these phenomena.

Through meetings, round tables and field activities, the Altofonte community has identified guidelines and concrete actions for the management of the territory. These activities laid the foundation for a territorial address forest plan, aimed at the prevention of fires and the improvement of social and ecological disorders.

The flanges -sensitive measures and the green match tape

An important measure is the creation of a sizes, green with succulents, which helps to delay the intensity of the flames in the event of fire. This intervention has a double goal: to protect the environment and facilitate closing activities.

The Guidelines for Territorial Planning

The guidelines were shared with political decision makers and were structured around four fundamental macrosectors in the territorial planning process. These include:

  • Urban planning sector: revitalization of the Civic Center and improving infrastructures.
  • Agricultural sector: Leaving land against and promoted sustainable practices.
  • Forestry sector: optimize the management of forest sources and protect the environment.
  • Pastoral sector: rationalize the meadow and mitigates the risk of burning.

The value of the participatory approach

Donate La Apple Veca, professor of forestry planning and fire fighting of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Sciences of the University of Palermo, which has been promoting forest planning at all detailed levels for years (regional, business area), is closely followed by development of the project.

The professor emphasized that “The Guardian and Territory project is a virtuous example of participatory approach to forestry planning of territorial address». Add the importance of local participation in the management choices of the territory.

Angela de Luca, mayor of Altofonte, actively participated in the project, making it possible and encouraged the involvement of the citizens of Altofonini and beyond. He noticed: “I would like to thank the associations and the citizens who participated e Certainly the love and interest appreciate those many of them, although not of the place, demonstrated and demonstration towards our community».

Future prospects and information

The results of the project, presented to the community and institutions, form a solid foundation for the development of fire prevention policy. The project can be replicated in other areas of Sicily, with the problem of burning on an integrated and participation in.

The guidelines Complete are available to be downloaded.