Conventional bicycles, the lack of energy And the sitting life goes in history with the appearance of a new form of energy. The lifestyle of man has changed flat in recent decades. The quality of life has risen based on new comfort. Tasks that have previously asked for great efforts of humans are easily resolved today thanks to technology.
Although this scenario is seen as a major advantage for humanity, it has brought considerable disadvantages that directly influence the quality of people’s life. The introduction of screensFor example, it has made us less awaiting beings of real socialization. Moreover, the least need to create real connections led to a lower physical activity level.
Things have achieved so that a large number of citizens around the world have been spending long days before the computer without meeting the minimum recommendations of the World Health Organisation With regard to the movement. He Sedentary lifestyle He is a quiet enemy for health. In this context, an entrepreneur has decided to break this problem, in addition to contributing to the production of renewable energy sources.

Say goodbye to your sedentary life: this new way to create energy forces you to move
An entrepreneur of Iowa (United States) has made PedalpcA domestic pedal work station. It makes it possible to produce energy At the same time that the user exercises and works, in the case of users with jobs home office.
The system generates sufficient electricity to deliver to computers, monitors,, routersprinters and other electronic devices. In a world where teleworking is becoming more and more, sedentary lifestyle seems to have become part of life. However, Jim Gregory He decided to put an end to what a fate seemed that was already written.
He Pedalpc It is a workstation that moves through human energy. She was designed to think about technical professionals who want their own energy dependence and want to perform physical activities in their working day.
That is, it was devised for those professionals who “miss hours in the day” to fulfill their work and exercise. Thanks to this system, they can cover their need to continue to shape and, as adding, create energy.
A surprising and functional project that even exceeds expectations on this electric bicycle for less than 500 euros. Contributes to environmental objectives by promoting sustainable mobility, but does not generate energy when Pedalpc And the user is forced to leave the house.
How does the Energie -Maker pedal work?
While pedaling, the user brings an electricity generator into action with sufficient capacity to supply laptops or small desktop, monitors, inject injection printers, modems/routers, small web servers and desktop fenters. In addition, it makes a simultaneous charging of devices such as this possible. It should be noted that you are not willing to feed high consumption devices.
It consists of five essential components: generator drive energy), Current recordings (it has 4 outputs of 12 V and 8 lateral USB ports), drums (located under the switch cabinet. Softly the generator output and is responsible for storing surplus excess energy To use it later).
Finally, it has an integrated computer, with which the user has the production and consumption of energy. It also recreates an accessible control panel with the help of a web browser.
Is the energy -maker pedal for all professionals?
He Pedalpc Maker of energy It is not suitable for all users, only for those who have to take advantage of time, do different things at the same time and create energy for devices with low consumption. That is, if the goal is to train itself, it would be more recommended to use a conventional static bicycle.
On the other hand, if the user intends to create considerable amounts of electricity, the use of solar panels would be more convenient.
She that as it is, Pedalpc It is a revolutionary product that solves two of the most common problems of the current era: sedentary lifestyle and the lack of energy. Another article that wins more and more land as an antagonistic for sedentary lifestyle is the electric bicycle: here we give you 6 reasons why you should try it.