Seville, waiting for the reservoirs: they have a capacity for four years

Seville It remains pending its reservoirs, with a capacity of four years. News that has as much impact as Spain’s decision to cover rivers and reservoirs with this. Energy production in swamps and reservoirs is emerging as an advanced and sustainable solution in the search for energy alternatives.

By harnessing the power of water and the biodiversity of ecosystems, this technique not only works in tandem with the generation of renewable energy, but also promotes environmental conservation.

On a planet that is increasingly demanding clean energy sources, harnessing the potential of wetlands and reservoirs is critical to achieving a greener future. Hydroelectric power plants in reservoirs are an efficient source of renewable energy.


They use the water collected in natural or artificial reservoirs through the construction of dams. When water flows downward, its movement drives turbines that convert hydraulic energy into electricity.

This procedure produces clean energy and contributes to the regulation of river flow, ensuring a sustainable and controlled cycle in electricity generation. Hydraulic energy is created in hydroelectric power stations, where the potential force of water stored in reservoirs is used.

As the water descends, the kinetic energy is converted into mechanical energy by the movement of turbines, which provide electricity. It is an efficient process based on a renewable resource.

Seville is not losing sight of its reservoirs, which have capacity for the next four years

The reservoirs that supply Seville They ended the year 2024 with water for consumption for the next four years. After a turbulent year for the reservoirs of Seville2024 closed with good hydrological news and water for consumption assured for the next 4 years.

As recorded The Diary of Seville“is what emerges from the reports of the Seville City Councilthrough the Water Supply and Sanitation Company of Seville (Emasesa)”.

Taking this data into account, 2025 starts with reservations double those of the year 2024: 64.8%. Three months ago, the recorded rate was 29.8%. A total of 597 cubic hectometers compared to the 275 collected at the end of 2023. The reservoir Jargon It is the one that looks the most satisfactory, with 98% of its capacity and 34.37 cubic hectometers out of a total of 35 at the end of 2024.

On the same date in 2023, the reservoir measured only 18 cubic hectometers. In mid-November the reservoir left behind an unexpected panorama. The impressive amount of accumulated water forced the locks to open twice in less than seven days to empty the reservoir.

These relief episodes are generated when the reservoir reaches its maximum level due to the contributions of rainfall into the basin or the release of water from other upstream reservoirs.

Seville relies on the capacity of its reservoirs: the numbers don’t lie

Another swamp with a significant amount of water is Melonareswith a capacity of 185.6 cubic hectometers. The volume dammed on this occasion is 175.5, so it is closer to needing to be drained if rainfall increases this year. In any case, this is a more than significant figure when we consider that this is the most prominent reservoir in the province.

The aforementioned newspaper has consulted sources In the mornings who insured that Melonares It had not had a comparable amount of water in over four years (June 2020). In December 2023, it barely exceeded 80 cubic hectometers, almost half of what was recently recorded.

Under this premise Seville It is waiting for its reservoirs, with sufficient capacity for the next four years. News that will have as much impact as the colossal hydroelectric power plant that will debut in this Spanish region.