Sign and Haiku, art as a recovery tool


Conveying the love for nature in another guise, that of art and image, is the idea from which the vernissage draws inspiration “Sign and Haiku” of January 28th, at 6.30 pm, at the GreenParlor in Milan, headquarters of the editorial staff of GreenPlanner.

By Ripa 69 printing housea cultural association that has been operating for years in the Trastevere neighborhood of Rome, the exhibition combines the importance of recovery with the poetry. In fact, engravings are created precisely on scraps of linoleumresilient, recyclable and composed of raw materials of natural origin.

It is then the alternation of the different ones colors of the matrix to ensure that the graphic images created are perfect for describing the passage of the seasons and nature. In fact, linoleum, having been created as a flooring material, has an infinite range of colours, from homogeneous to striated ones.

It therefore demonstrates the same effectiveness in conveying the change of time and space as another famous art form: the Haiku, Japanese poems. Color will therefore be the master in this vernissage, where poetry arises from images.

Segno and Haiku, the artists on display

The idea of ​​experimenting with the encounter between xylographic engraving and linoleum, and between matrix and print, was born from another encounter: that between Cristina Ceresaeditor in chief of the newspaper GreenPlannerwhich mainly deals with environmental and sustainability issues, and Susanna Docciolione of the artists of Stamperia Ripa 69.

«The choice of matrix is ​​very important – explains Doccioli -. It affects the engraving part as much as the reproducibility, printing speed and color consumption».

His works will be exhibited during the exhibition, together with those of other artists of the association, such as Luisa Baciarlini, Alessia Consiglio, Luca Fabbri, Marcello Fraietta, Valeria Gasparrini, Caroline Heider, Elio G. Mazzali, Giorgia Pilozzi and Gianluca Tedaldi.

One of the artists on display is also Roberto Gianinettiwho has already shown interest in the topic of recycling with his solo exhibition entitled “Undifferentiated collection”. Furthermore, another exhibition will soon be inaugurated in Longiano, near Rimini. On this occasion the recycled and scrap materials will be printed on both paper and silk, precisely to convey the idea that from reuse of waste material something could arise in a different context “precious”.

GreenPlanner and Stamperia Ripa 69, together for the environment

Each matrix will be placed next to the prints and will surround the editorial staff GreenPlanner in the Milanese headquarters GreenParlorin via della Braida 5. The exhibition is here “Sign and Haiku” It can be visited until March 24th during working hours.

Anyone who visits this exhibition, a virtuous example of the importance of reuse and recovery practices, in this case of linoleum waste, will be able to transcribe their own Haiku, a thought that the vision of these prints may have aroused in them. The most beautiful and inspired ones will be included in the next issue of GreenPlanner. This editorial reality, in fact, considers it essential to give life to good projects that are good for our planet.

«We care about art – explains director Ceresa – which we find to be a direct language, very effective and useful for protecting the environment».

The same intent is shared by Stamperia Ripa 69, which was born as an engraving and experimentation laboratory for art graphics. In particular, it is the founders’ belief that the engraving technique contains, in its form and conception, a strong expressive originality, through the manual skill it entails and the close contact with the material.

Beyond “Sign and Haiku”, the Planet Art Camp project

Showcase “Sign and Haiku” However, it is not the first event of this type organized by the reality of GreenPlanner. There are also many projects carried out. Among these there is Planet Art Camp. The competition involves the creation of aart opera that uses natural and waste materials (except plastic). This must convey a significant message for protecting the environment. The Land Art work must therefore show awareness and passion for art and sustainability.

The project, which has been active for a few years, was until now dedicated only to high school and university students. Now it is open to everyone. All you need to do is fill in a specific form by 12.30pm on 5 February 2024, explaining the idea behind the work and the message, and attaching a first draft of the work.

The first selection will be held from 21 to 23 February at MyPlant&Garden Fiera Milano – Rho. Once this phase has passed, the work can be physically created and a photo or video of which can be sent by April 8th for the final evaluation by the jury.

The awards ceremony will take place live on the GreenPlanner You Tube channel on April 24th, on the occasion of the Earth Day. The winning works will be installed at the Milano Green Way, the community garden of the Barona Village, created in a degraded urban area with the aim of giving the city a new green space and creating jobs for disadvantaged people.

The winning work of art will then be exhibited in the park Department of Biotechnology and Natural Sciences of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”. The author will also be interviewed by the editorial staff of GreenPlanner.