Sonny the bear sentenced to death: it is summary justice in Trentino – Il Giornale dell’Ambiente


The killing of Sonny, a few hours after the decree signed this morning, Tuesday 6 February 2024, by the president of the PAT, Maurizio Fugattiand carried out by Forestry Corps personnel, raises unresolved doubts and places emphasis on broader issues concerning the coexistence between man and wildlife.

L’International Animal Protection Organization, OIPA, appealed to the last, to protect the life and freedom of the young plantigrade. However, all efforts were in vain in the face of the decision of the local authorities.

Sentenced to death! Why?

The bear’s death sentence M90 it is emblematic of the complexity of relationships between wild animals and human communities. Born free in the woods of Trentino (Sonny was only 3 years old) to mark its fate, a series of controversies and political disputes of all sorts.

But why go to that length?

The reasons behind the death sentence are still the subject of debate and dispute.

There have been several sightings of the bear near inhabited areas.

According to what is reported on the Province’s website dedicated to the monitoring of large carnivores, M90 only damaged an agricultural fence and an organic waste bin in Val di Sol (Autonomous Province of Trento).

However, the authorities decided to sentence him to death. How come?

Il “case of war” it would be the alleged pursuit of a couple of hikers along a forest road above the town of Ortisè. Town of the Municipality of Mezzana.

In short, a matter of public safety.

Paradoxically, the distribution of anti-bear bins still needs to be completed in this area today.

Doubts and perplexities: Sonny unjustly convicted

Oipa activists and supporters of wildlife conservation, however, raise doubts about the motivations and circumstances of his killing and are preparing to shed light on the matter.

According to animal rights activists, the note released by the authorities of the Province of Trentino is sparse and not very exhaustive.

In fact, it lacks fundamental information on the way in which the Forestry Corps carried out the sentence.

It does not clarify whether the killing of the M90 ​​bear occurred through the use of firearms or with the intervention of a veterinarian.

«Sonny the bear was sentenced to death at the speed of light, without even having time to do the appropriate checks.

They tell us that the bear chased an engaged couple but they don’t explain all the details or name names, we don’t even know who they’re talking about or how reliable all of this might be.

The story of the chase should be told to Italians directly from the voice of those directly involved, i.e. those being chased, perhaps even putting their face to it. Why all this mystery?

Same fate for the F36 bear, sentenced to death on charges of having chased two hunters who remained anonymous. It’s not clear why all this secrecy about these hunts and chases! Who are the people who claim to have been chased by the bear? They will have a name, they will have a voice to tell the Italians what happened. And how is it possible that a bear first identified in September 2023 and radio-collared in October 2023, is accused of chasing someone and sentenced to death as early as January 2024?».

Sentenced to death: a massacre of bears

The M90 ​​bear was not just a wild animal, but a creature that aroused empathy and interest in many people. His story is a symbol of the challenges and tensions that arise when animals’ natural habitats come into conflict with human communities.

As reported by animal rights activists, Sonny is not the only one “sentenced to death” in Trentino.

After the capture of Jj4, the Gaia bear and the protests against her killing, all the other bears targeted by the Region were no longer captured. They found them directly dead.

Let’s think for example of Amir, the M62 bear, Fiona the F36 bear and Johnny the Mj5 bear. Animals that were supposed to be captured but were found dead.

«The ending in Trentino is now always the same: a massacre of bears! In this whole story the only clear thing is Trentino’s intention to kill the bears. The life of the bears of Trentino does not only concern Fugatti, but rather concerns all Italians”, conclude the activists.

The OIPA asks for clarity on the matter: sentenced to death very quickly

At a time when biodiversity loss and climate change threaten the stability of ecosystems around the world, the protection of wild animals takes on great importance.

«P’s policy is short-sighted and hostile to animalsAT(Autonomous Province of Trento, ed.), which does not protect biodiversity», the OIPA activists commented in a note. «We hoped until nowlastly in an afterthought, in consideration of the special protection enjoyed by the species also at a European level and in compliance with thearticle 9 of the Constitution which protects biodiversity, but President Fugatti was also deaf to the requests of thepublic opinion that would like an animal-friendly Trentino”.

In the next few hours, the International Animal Protection Organization will present a request for access to documents aimed at ensuring transparency and responsibility in the actions of local authorities. But the battle for the protection of bears does not stop here.

OIPA has decided to take an active part in the examination of legislative proposals aimed at amending the Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure and other provisions regarding crimes against animals. In particular, he participated in today’s hearing in the Justice Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, carrying out his mission of defense and protection of animals in every possible institutional setting.

For the occasion, the association expressed its full support for the bill n.30/22, promoted by Michela Vittoria Brambilla. Law which aims to review and integrate the current legislation on the protection of animals, in order to harmonize it with the new article 9 of the Constitution.

Main points to work on

Here are some of the main points of the observations brought to the hearing and illustrated in detail in a document signed by Alessandro Piacenza, head of Wildlife and by Claudia Taccani, lawyer in charge of the Oipa Legal Office, delivered to the Commission:

  • Tightening of sanctions for crimes involving animals, in line with a persistent request from the Italian population. This would guarantee greater protection for animals and act as a deterrent against such acts;
  • Extension of the confiscation or custody of animals (even in case of prescription), in case of criminal conviction of the owner;
  • Maintenance and custody costs of the animals borne by the accused or, in case of insolvency, by the Municipality during the seizure or confiscation;
  • Prediction of guilt in killing and abuse, considering cases in which the abuse was also caused by negligence
  • Introduction of aggravating circumstances, as in the case of the dissemination of descriptions or images of facts via IT or telematic tools, which could increase the risk of emulation, especially among young people.

Other points worth noting

  • Insertion of the art. 260 bis in the CPP of a provision that allows the definitive fostering of animals involved in crimes against them to associations. This provision would also be valid in cases of attempted crime.
  • Elimination of the limit “with regard to pets” for the expertise of the ecozoophile guards. Oipa is in favor of eliminating this limit, which reduces the competence of ecozoophile guards only to pet animals. This provision would lead to greater clarity and uniformity in interpretations of the definition of “animal daffection”, avoiding ambiguity in the places where the guards operate.

«There are more abatement orders than public meetings on the topic organized by the Province» comments the WWFendorsing proposals that can truly improve the human-bear coexistence. such as, for example, the use of “bear spray”which would drastically reduce the risk of attacks in the event of close encounters with plantigrades.

In the square for the bears

Meanwhile, the Antispeciesist Association has organized an unmissable event, set for February 10th at 2 pm in Piazza Dante in Trento. A unique opportunity for all those who wish to express solidarity and support for bears and promote peaceful coexistence between man and wildlife.