Our planet is full of wealth like this incredible energy line, we just have to know how to use and respect them. But now wealth would be a reservoir that is about to overflow and Spain cannot miss the opportunity to take advantage of it, but what is it about?
The search for new energies
With the passage of time, the demand for energy has grown enormously and Spain is no exception, which has led to the need to find new energy sources that are profitable, but at the same time not polluting our planet.
One of them is the Hydro -Electric EnergyThat is, the one we get from the water and who has become very popular as an alternative that replaces traditional systems,

Weld Reservoir hydro -electric plantsThey store large amounts of water through one or more dams. With this storage you can regulate the electricity that goes through the turbines that are responsible for generating electricity. In this way, energy can occur when Spain is the most needed and apparently wanted to leave Spain this path.
A reservoir that can be a treasure
It happens that in the north of Spain the Ullibarri -Reservoir It has become the center of attention because of the remarkable water level. It is located in the province of Álava and next to his counterpart FarIt offers water to the cities of Bilbao and Vitoria.
After the heavy rainfall in December, the reservoirs reach the capacity levels of 83% and 59% respectively, which exceeds the average of the last decade. Despite the unbalanced in December, the January drought contributed to maintaining the water level in high figures.
At the end of 2024 it was announced that the Ullibarri reservoir resumed its leakage Zadorra -River After five days without that and what Water started casting at a speed of 5 cubic meters per second. This process is activated when reaching a water plate of 545 meters above sea level, which can open the life.
Then, on December 23 at 8 o’clock in the morning, the sparrows were resumed at a moderate pace, similar to that from the beginning of December. It should be noted that the reservoir had not been cast in the past 5 days. Because it is a discreet amount, problems in the Zadorra River are not expected, which currently lasts a stream of 8 cubic meters per second, relatively low.
A treasure that needs to be taken
This situation shows us the importance of water management in our society, because it influences many aspects of life, such as food production and energy generation. The efficient management of water is a basic need, because the storage capacity is the key during drought and thanks to this management it is possible to continue to meet the needs of the population.
In turn, it is also very important to always find a balance between water consumption and energy production, so we will contribute to sustainable development that does not harm future generations.
On the other hand, the situation shows the importance of everyone who cooperates and cooperates, from local authorities, public services to nearby communities. That is why it is essential to set up effective coordination and communication mechanisms that ensure informed and sustainable decisions.
As we could see, this is an opportunity that Spain should not miss, but must do this in search of a balance and respect our planet, so we will continue to see great results. And because Spain is not resting in the search for sustainable innovation here, we tell you that it has discovered a magical formula for the energy transition.