Spain, the first country in the world to produce hydrogen from scratch: it will work in 50 million households

After the striking appearance of the hydrogen Tesla, Spain becomes the first country in the world to produce hydrogen from scratch with technology that will work in 50 million homes. Currently, the planet is immersed in a profound process of “decarbonization” of energy. Experts are looking for new forms of energy that can contribute to the energy transition and… hydrogen It is disappearing to complement the electrification of lithium batteries and other crucial minerals (nickel, cobalt, manganese, rare earths).

Looking at it from perspective, it could even be the fuel people are looking for in the longer term, as it is the most abundant gas in the universe. As early as 1874, 150 years ago, Julio Verne He mentioned it in the novel ‘The Mysterious Island’. He called it manna from the air and the sea and twenty years ago, in his work ‘The Economy of Hydrogen’, an American essayist stated Jeremy Rifkin He presented it as the final salvation from global warming.

With so many ‘eyes’ looking at him hydrogenthat is not strange Spain and other countries are betting on it. The latest is the creation of a technology capable of producing this from scratch. Will we be confronted with the energy revolution we have been longing for?

Spain is able to make hydrogen from scratch: this invention will work in 50 million households

A group of Spanish students from the ELISAVA University has invented a technology that can convert excess energy into hydrogen. Moreover, it stores it safely in a solid state. We talk about ATOM H2the technology that can store excess renewable energy and winner of the national phase of the James Dyson Prize 2024.

This creation makes it possible to convert excess renewable energy into hydrogen and store it safely using metal hydrides. It is based on a technique in which the hydrogen It is stored in a solid state, which reduces risks compared to other storage methods, such as gaseous or liquid.


At a later time, when it is necessary to use this stored energy, the hydrogen It is released and converted back into electricity via a fuel cell. Large amounts of renewable energy waste are registered every year. It is estimated that this is equivalent to the energy required to power more than 50 million households, a number comparable to the entire population of Spain j Canada.

This disadvantage has encouraged the development of technologies such as ATOM H2which, in addition to improving energy efficiency, also proposes more sustainable solutions for the future. The energy storage market is a fast-growing sector. It is expected to reach a value between 56,000 and 93,000 million euros by 2030 due to the increasing adoption of renewable energy sources.

Under these circumstances ATOM H2 is an important option in this context, as it allows effective management of excess energy that would otherwise be wasted, and provides a clean and safe alternative for reuse.

Spain has the definitive solution to the loss of renewable energy: hydrogen

Energy waste is a significant problem in the energy transition due to the intermittent nature of renewable sources such as solar and wind energy. The technology ATOM H2 It is undergoing initial pilot testing with potential customers and the team is confident it will grow significantly in the coming years.

In addition to the recognition of James Dyson Prizethe researchers received a cash prize of 5,800 euros, which will be used for its development and commercialization.

In this way, Spain becomes the first country in the world to create this hydrogen out of nowhere, even surpassing the furor caused by the hydrogen AVE.