Stop the ‘Precook disasters’ on school canteens, looking for a healthier food’

He Royal Decree of Healthy and Sustainable School Canteens will take care of the Daily consumption of vegetables and vegetables and will forbid sugary drinks in the meal.

  1. This Royal Decree of Healthy and Sustainable School Canteens will encourage all schools to offer Fruit and fruit every day to your students, and forbids the consumption of sugary drinks during meals.
  2. The goal, said Bustinduy, is Guarantee that all boys and all girls have access to healthy food Since then as the Aladino studywho to Low -income families They have more overweightConsume more sugary drinks And they present one Lower intake of fruit and vegetables.
  3. According to him Aladino studyOnly one third of the families believe that the food served in their schools is of quality.

Pablo Bustinduy has announced that the Royal Decree of Healthy and Sustainable School Canteenswho are currently processing the ministry that directs it will determine that schools They can only serve one ration per monthmaximum Pre -boiled dishes such as pizzas, croquettes, empanadillas or bakedAmong other things.

Bustinduy has also emphasized the importance of Regulate school canteens To meet challenges, as presented by the latest Aladdin study, which indicates a prevalence of the Overweight and obesity between students who come from families with a lower income.

The minister also indicated to handle the data collected by the latest report of the National plan for the official control over the food chainAccording to which, Almost a third of the school canteens (32.9%) serve four or more pre -cooked dishes per monthSomething the new regulations end.

It is, Bustinduy said that the centers meet the nutritional standards that are endorsed by science and by international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO).

The goal is that there are less pre -cooked and more healthy meals with fresh products

In this way Bustinduy has again demanded part of the content of the new Royal Decree of Healthy and Sustainable School CanteensA text that, as stated, The aim is to improve the quality of food served on school canteens, promoting sustainability and reversing inequality that exists for income in terms of health.

That is why the minister has already announced that, with the new standard, School centers will have to ensure that the five meals made in schools every week and in the institutions respond to criteria for health care and sustainability.

He said that too Royal Decree of Healthy and Sustainable School Canteens will the Sugar drinks with meals and ensure the daily consumption of fruit and vegetables On school canteens.

Moreover, he recently explained that the normative text states that at least andL 45% of rations of fruit and vegetables that are served at schools and institutions must be seasonalAnd At least 5% of the monthly expenses that every school dining room assigns to the purchase of products must be used to acquire ecological production drums.

An important part of Royal Decree of Healthy and Sustainable School Canteenshas emphasized Bustinduy, are the references it includes it so that it School centers bet on short production circuits and proximity remediesTo gain access to more sustainable products, quality and local economies.

Likewise, the minister has emphasized that with the new standard Ultracrocess and hypercaloric food will be limitedAnd that the centers must offer meat and fish that meet the food quality standards.

The amount of legumes and extensive grains in school menus must be increased

On the other hand, because of this Royal Decree of Healthy and Sustainable School CanteensThe ministry directed by Pablo Bustinduy proposes Limit the sale of industrial pastries and sugary drinks in the vending machines and in the coffee shops of schools.

It would be Products that exceed a maximum content of five grams of sugars per packaged portion. This limitation would also be given for those who are known as energy drinks.

This is also added that the normative text Increases the prohibition that vending machines offer advertisements of each productAnd that these machines are installed in areas where children and primary students have access.

Again, the goal is to regulate based on the criteria set by health authorities such as the WHOin this case In relation to the boundaries for the intake of fats, sugars and saltAs well as the trends that are indicated by the study of National plan for the official control over the food chain.

According to this study, in secondary education centers in which there are vending machinesalmost 70% (68.82%) break the nutritional criteria set by WHO.

And the percentage of infringement is even greater in coffee shopsAlmost 75% (74.36%). Another worrying fact is that the trend with regard to these criteria has been exacerbated in recent years. In 2021, 57%of the centers met the criteria, in 2022 that figure fell to 37.50%, and in 2023 it fell to 31.8%, this was the last year of which there were data.