Green hydrogen for a sustainable future

Green hydrogen for a sustainable future

Green hydrogen is essential for “Zero emissions” And renewable energies, but its production through electrolysis requires critical raw materials, with challenges in supply and sustainability. A recent study by AREA SCIENCE PARK E Milan-Bicocca University It highlights these constraints and suggests innovations in research and recycling Sustainable mobility: in Italy the first green hydrogen train … Read more

Greenify to fill the gender gap in the Stom and Green Economy

Greenify to fill the gender gap in the Stom and Green Economy

IL PROGETTO GREENIFYCo-financed by the European Union in the context of Program Erasmus+Aims to reduce the gender gap in the STEM sectors (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and in the GREEN ECONOMY. The initiative is addressed in particular to girls and young women from rural or disadvantaged areas, offering them tools and skills to become … Read more

Hohli: Sea Health and Mediterranean diet for a sustainable future

Hohli: Sea Health and Mediterranean diet for a sustainable future

The health of the sea and the human are deeply connected. The project HohliBorn in Cilento, studies the relationship between marine ecosystems, fertility and Mediterranean dietCombining scientific research and innovation to promote well and sustainability in coastal communities and beyond Pollica, March 23, 2025, was born Hohli: the project that unites the sea, health and … Read more

“The world we want”

"The world we want"

Italian ecological activism is enriched thanks “The world we want” APS ETS, an association that combines research, education and action to deal with climate change. With ambitious initiatives and an interdisciplinary approach, the organization wants to convert consciousness into concrete involvement A new actor for the environment: “The world we want” The beginning of 2025 … Read more

One Health, The cities of the future: sustainability and quality of life

One Health, The cities of the future: sustainability and quality of life

The second relationship ONE HEALTHPresented by the Bio-Medical Campus of Rome in the Senate, examines the future of Italian cities, focusing on health, sustainability and inclusiveness. The projections highlight the importance of targeted interventions to improve urban livability by 2050, facing the challenges related to the aging of the population and social and economic transformations … Read more

KilometroverdeParma, urban reforestation that transforms cities

KilometroverdeParma, urban reforestation that transforms cities

On the occasion of the International Day of Forests of 21 March 2025, the KilometroverdeParma project is established as a virtuous example of how trees and innovation can transform the face of modern cities. Urban reforestation proves to be a fundamental strategy to deal with climate change, improve the quality of life and promote environmental … Read more

As if there was no tomorrow: Docu-Film on the latest generation movement

As if there was no tomorrow: Docu-Film on the latest generation movement

From 6 March 2025, the documentary “As if there was no tomorrow”Directed by Riccardo Cremona and Matteo Keffer, will arrive in Italian cinemas. This film explores the non -violent generation of civil disobedience movement, which has attracted the attention of the media and politics with controversial actions to raise awareness of society on the climatic … Read more

Arid habitats restored thanks to the Life Drylands Party project

Arid habitats restored thanks to the Life Drylands Party project

The project allowed the restoration of 205 thousand square meters of habitat at risk in Piedmont and Lombardy, with important benefits for local biodiversity. The final event took place on February 20, 2025 at the Kosmos Museum in Pavia, with important results and testimonies at the work done Life Drylands Party: a project for the … Read more

The forest carabinieri in biospace25 to monitor biodiversity with satellite technologies

The forest carabinieri in biospace25 to monitor biodiversity with satellite technologies

The forest, environmental and agri -food unit command of the carabinieri participated in Biospace25, the first international conference on satellite remoteness of biodiversity organized by ESA. During the event, the forest carabinieri presented the Italian case, underlining the role of the national forestry inventory in the sustainable management of the territory Biospace25: an event dedicated … Read more

Plaza plot to promote sustainable fashion with art and inclusion

Plaza plot to promote sustainable fashion with art and inclusion

Plma Plaza is a non -profit association founded in 2020 in Milan, which promotes sustainability in the textile industry. Through art, education and training, sensitizing the public on sustainability issues. With sixty volunteers throughout Italy, Plama Plaza is led by President Erica Brunetti and vice -president Marta Griso Plaza plot: here’s where it is located … Read more