Tajo-Segura transfer: ok at 27 hm3 per month for the last quarter of 2024

In the header reservoirs there is an effective reservoir volume of 1,008.3 hm3so, according to the regulations, the situation is “hydrological normality” or level 2. The forecasts for the next semester have also been presented, which indicate that the system will remain at level 2 throughout the October-March semester.

Transfer from the Entrepeñas-Buendía reservoirs

The Commission has assessed that, in these circumstances and in application of current regulations, It is necessary to authorize a transfer from the Entrepeñas-Buendía reservoirs through the 81 hm Tajo-Segura aqueduct3 for October, November and December (27 hm3 for each of the months).

Furthermore, on the part of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation The main representative data of the hydrological status of the basin and the situation has been assessed as critical.

For his part, the representative of the Guadiana Hydrographic Confederation has reported on the decrease in the flooded surface in the Tablas de Daimiel National Park and has transferred the request for 1.78 hm3 to attend to supplies through the “Manchega Pipeline” during the October-December quarter. In this link you can consult the status report.